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Blinken’s speech in Rwanda nothing but a show of American hypocrisy, narcissism


The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, on August 11, wrapped up his Africa tour in Rwanda. It was a trip intended to regain US admiration on the continent despite the lecturing about good governance, democracy, security, human rights and the so-called cooperation between the US and Africa in tackling global challenges.


During a press conference in Rwanda, Blinken delivered a speech full of hypocrisy and egotism. He, among others, raised concerns regarding releasing terror convict Paul Rusesabagina yet he also feigned concern about the human lives that get victimized by conflict and violence while referring to the victims of MRCD-FLN terror attacks in Nyabimata.


Blinken refuses to tell the world that Rusesabagina is the founder of the National Liberation Front (FLN), an armed wing of his Rwandan Movement for Democratic Change (MRDC). In 2018, on three different occasions, Rusesabagina’s militias carried out violent attacks inside Rwanda, killing nine civilians, injuring several, and destroying properties.


Rusesabagina, a terror convict Blinken and others in Washington call a hero due to a character they manufactured in a fiction movie, made several statements celebrating his militia’s criminal acts and claimed responsibility. In early 2019, in a video available online, Rusesabagina reaffirmed his allegiance to his criminal group, declared war against Rwanda, and called for recruitment and mobilization of combatants.


If Blinken really cared about security in the region, why would he seek the release of a terrorist who founded and financed a terrorist group responsible for killing innocent Rwandans and destroying their properties?


Besides, Blinken’s vanity also appeared in his preaching about human rights, where he indirectly accused Rwanda of violation of freedom of speech. He said that people in every country “should express their views without fear of intimidation, imprisonment, violence, or any other forms of repression.”


 He added that these “are values cherished by the American people and people around the world; that’s why I raised them, as have members of the U.S. Congress.”


But Blinken said all this while, perhaps, forgetting that the Biden Administration he serves, tried to impeach former President Donald Trump over delivering a speech that triggered protests in the US capital, on January 6, 2021. If the US really values freedom of speech, why would Trump get banned on social media?


The death of George Floyd at the hands of US police is just one in thousands of cases that demonstrate the country’s outright hypocrisy. While in Rwanda, and in DRC, Blinken misrepresented facts, confused wrong with right, and simply covered up the US agenda of seeking hegemony. His statements were rife with political lies and ideological bias.


Worse still, Blinken mentioned the FDLR’s collaboration with FARDC in the press conference in Kigali but said nothing while in Kinshasa, yet the genocidal militia operates from the DRC. In Kigali, he pushed the narrative of an old and tired allegation – Rwanda’s alleged support of the M23 rebels. During his trip, Blinken never wanted to examine the root cause of the M23 rebellion.


By and large, attempting to style itself as a human rights judge and role model, the US slanders and attacks other countries every year but this only continues to show its hypocrisy and double standards.


Recently, US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan inflamed tensions with China. Based on the tension triggered by the US in China due to Pelosi’s visit to the island, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and the lecturing of democracy, and human rights during Blinken’s tour in Africa, the US should stick to its knitting and let the world enjoy its freedom.


The repugnant hypocrisy displayed by the US must end if it wishes to promote any value in Rwanda with any authority.
