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Border opened. How about disbanding anti-Rwanda terrorist network in Uganda?


The Rwandan government, through a cabinet directive issued on March 4, said all land borders linking Rwanda to neighbouring countries would reopen on March 7.

Following Kigali’s directive, Lt Gen Muhoozi Keinerugaba, the son of Uganda President Yoweri Museveni took to his twitter account and said: “The border is fully opening tomorrow. Me and my uncle (President Kagame) achieved in 7 hours what all the diplomats on earth failed to achieve. I think we need a prize.”

On March 7, Muhoozi again tweeted saying: “Jubilation by both Ugandans and Rwandans as buses begin to cross the border. Uganda and Rwanda are truly one country! Anyone who fights that fact fights both peoples! I want to thank His Excellency @PaulKagame once again for re-uniting our people.

Muhoozi visited Rwanda late February. He held talks with President Kagame, reportedly on the steps needed to restore ties between Rwanda and Uganda. He had travelled to Rwanda, it was reported, in his capacity as his father’s Senior Advisor in charge of Special Operations.

Details of the meeting between the two were not made public. But the office of the Rwandan President described the talks as cordial and productive.

After the meeting, Uganda removed Maj Gen Abel Kandiho from his post as head of the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence, or CMI, a move believed to have been influenced by Muhoozi, since Rwanda had complained about Kandiho’s arrest, torture and murder of Rwandans in Uganda.

Muhoozi continued informing the public, through his twitter messages, of the successful discussions with ‘his uncle’ President Kagame, how Uganda and Rwanda are truly one country, and how he will fight those who fight ‘his uncle.’

However, he has not yet informed the same public whether the anti-Rwanda terrorist groups based in Uganda such as the notorious Rwanda National Congress, or RNC, have been dismantled or disbanded as well as denied Ugandan government support. 

RNC agents like  Sula Nuwamanya Wakabirigi  and Obed Katurebe at Uganda Media Centre,  are still chest thumping with their anti- Rwanda messages on social media.

In Mbarara district, in western Uganda, the Agape Blessing Community Church owned by “Pastor” Deo Nyiligira has for long been known as a recruitment, mobilization and planning base for the RNC terror group.  

The church is still open and conducting business as usual. How about other RNC cells in other parts of Uganda including in the refugee camps? 

Majority Ugandans and Rwandans will have more trust and confidence in the resumption of bilateral relations if the obstacles that caused bad blood are completely cleared.

“I will be very happy if General Muhoozi shares with the public information regarding stopping RNC from operating in Uganda. Otherwise, I will not feel safe to travel to Uganda again,” said a survivor of CMI torture chambers who did not want his identity disclosed.

He spent more than three months in a secret CMI detention facility.

“Those who arrested us were Rwandans. They spoke very fluent Kinyarwanda. They endlessly tortured told us we were Rwandan spies sent by Kagame to look for them,” he added.

The opening of all land borders which allows many people to come in the country comes at a time when more than 60% of Rwandans have been fully vaccinated, leading to tremendous  reduction in Covid-19 infections.

The Rwanda government spokesperson Yolande Makolo, tweeted that the Rwanda government will cover the cost of random Covid-19 tests for all travelers crossing Rwanda land borders.

“Rwanda announced random Covid tests for those crossing our land borders. The costs of these tests are covered by GoR. Travellers crossing the border are not charged for the random test,” she said.

The Gatuna border with Uganda was closed for three years, following an advisory by the Government of Rwanda to its citizens warning them against travelling to Uganda where their safety was not guaranteed. By the time the government of Rwanda issued the travel advisory, hundreds of Rwandans had been arbitrarily arrested and tortured by security organs especially the CMI on allegations that they were spies. Several of them died under CMI torture.  Rwanda also accused Uganda of harboring and supporting RNC. The terror group is led by Kayumba Nyamwasa, whose main purpose is to destabilize security and cause regime change in Rwanda.

The same cabinet meeting that recommended the opening of borders also approved the appointment of Maj.Gen. Robert Rusoke, a retired senior military officer, as the new Ugandan ambassador to Rwanda.

Political analysts opine that the appointment most likely signals a new chapter in relations between the two countries.

It is hoped that as the borders reopen, and a new ambassador comes in, Rwandans will feel safer in Uganda.

However, as diplomatic protocol demands, Rwandans and Ugandans are waiting anxiously to hear from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs from both sides the commitments made on a new journey of renewed brotherly relations.  
