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CHOGM: Key take away for Commonwealth youth


During the just concluded Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Kigali, Rwanda, the youth forum attracted the majority of commentaries due to the homework given to the youth by the Rwandan Head of State.

The youth were asked to consider themselves as significant partners in the affairs of the Commonwealth, a departure from the old perception of being at the receiving end as passive recipients.

While addressing the youth representatives from different regions of Commonwealth, President Paul Kagame who is the Chairman of the organization for the next two years, reiterated the need for change of mindset from the commonwealth youth.

He requested them to consider themselves as significant stakeholders in achieving the vision of the organization, citing both their demographic and aptitude factors as quick wins.

It was observed that in as far as achieving the vision of the organization is concerned, there is need to maximize on quality youth engagement.

They were reminded that in the end, it will never be about what the Commonwealth has done for the youth but most importantly, about what the organization will have taught them to do for themselves that will make them a successful generation.

During the youth forum, there were some interventions that focused on the challenges that affect sustainable development in member states and consequently impede youth development programs.

CHOGM was a great place to be reminded of some best practice to success for the youth. They were also reminded that in life, it doesn’t matter how much resources you have but how to optimize the little you have for better results.

The leaders who had the opportunity to interact with the youth representatives all converged on one critical observation worth noting: resources will never be enough.  The youth were asked to reflect on a key imperative; always focus on solutions regardless of the challenges that impose themselves on their aspirations. The best way to that is embracing innovation as a key specific of doing business.

One critical take home from Kigali, is definitely the call to train our minds to be stronger than our feelings. It is a take home message received at the right place and perhaps from the right President.

Majority of the delegates – especially those that had never been in Rwanda – attested to have been left literally speechless after their visit to the Kigali Genocide Memorial. They could not comprehend why the genocide against the Tutsi had to take place in the first place, and how it was executed in the most inhumane manner.

More to their dismay is how a country like Rwanda could raise from the ashes of the Genocide against the Tutsi to what it is presently.

President Kagame urged the youth to train their mind to be stronger than their emotions if they are to realize their goals. The youth should also avoid all kinds of division based on geographical locations, ideology or race. 
