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DRC: Tshisekedi wants EAC regional force out, what’s next?


Tshisekedi confronts the EACRF commander, Gen. Nyagah before his own President, William Samoei Ruto, telling him to do the right thing and fight the M23

For decades, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has struggled with insecurity, and has constantly failed to quell the violence in the east of the country. Upon joining the East African Community (EAC) in March 2022, the DRC requested for help in tackling the hundreds of armed groups wreaking havoc in the country.

Through the Nairobi process, in June 2022, the bloc’s leadership agreed to establish a joint force to stem the violence. True to their word, shortly afterwards- in November 2022- the first batch of the regional force landed in eastern DRC.


Their mandate was to help restore peace and stability in eastern DRC. However, they had a deadline to execute their mission; February 2023.


On April 27, the DRC government held a ‘clarification working session’, around the renewal of the mandate of the East African Community Regional Force (EACRF). However, the meeting was futile.


According to sources, Kinshasa does not wish to extend the regional force’s mandate but wishes for their departure, so they can be replaced by Angolan troops, which are yet to come.


It has been an open secret that DRC President, Felix Tshisekedi, wants EACRF out of his country, Tshisekedi’s hostility towards EACRF is based on the fact that the force ‘did not fight’ the M23 rebels, and he went as far as accusing them of ‘collaborating and favoring’ the rebels.


But the regional force has only done what it is mandated to do; securing all territories evacuated by the M23 rebels, as stipulated in the Luanda agreement as a condition for dialogue with their government. The regional forces now occupy the evacuated areas of Sake, Kibumba, Rumangabo, Mushaki, Kilolirwe, Kitchanga, Kiwanja and Bunagana, among many others.


The EAC Secretariat has indicated that the bloc is proud of the work that has so far been accomplished by the regional force towards restoration of peace and security in eastern DRC because EACRF has made tremendous progress in its efforts to restore peace and stability in eastern DRC as envisaged by the EAC Heads of State.


Despite all efforts they have put in to keep east DRC safe, EACRF has been subjected to a number of attacks from Congolese, including hundreds of violent demonstrators against them. This intimidation, consequently, led to the resignation of the Force Commander, Maj Gen Jeff Nyagah, who cited “aggravated threat to his safety and a systematic plan to frustrate efforts of the EACRF” as his reason.


The startling details about intimidation in Nyagah's resignation letter are an indication that the regional force is operating in a hostile environment. Kinshasa’s behaviour raised lots of questions about what is next for the regional force. Will they continue to operate in such a hostile environment? In addition, what is their future in eastern DRC? Will the force survive?


Insiders have revealed that East African countries that deployed troops under the regional force have experienced financial difficulties in keeping the operations ongoing but decided to put peace efforts first, nonetheless.


Political commentators have argued that East African leaders are getting frustrated by their Congolese counterpart. They are investing all their efforts in bringing peace to his volatile country, but Tshisekedi is sabotaging each move made, and creating more chaos.


So the question remains: does Tshisekedi really want them to help bring peace, or he has other ulterior motives?


Tshisekedi’s agenda is to keep the conflict in his country ongoing, and therefore postpone elections, which will effectively make him stay in power much longer. The Congolese know very well, they say, that he cannot win an election.


But derailing the peace processes, and especially forcing the regional force out is not the right way to go.


At this point, Tshisekedi’s advisors should remind him that patience has its limits! And the EAC’s patience will run dry too if he continues his shenanigans.
