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DRC: Why are Burundian troops crying foul?


A photo showing Burundian troops deployed under EAC Regional Force in eastern DRC.

Burundi's armed forces have released statements complaining that M23 rebels blocked their contingent under the East African Community Regional Force, while it was supplying foodstuff to its bases in Kitchanga and Mweso, in eastern DRC.

According to statements from Bujumbura, on October 21 and 30, the M23 rebels refused passage of a convoy of the Burundian contingent.

“The FDNB indicates that this situation cannot continue. The Burundian contingent deployed as part of the Regional Force is obliged to take necessary measures,” read a statement released on November 9.

No other EACRF troop contributing country has complained.

Why Burundi, then? Good question. Right?

The Burundian government has deployed about 2,000 troops to North Kivu and South Kivu provinces outside the EAC framework, to support the Congolese armed forces in fighting M23.

Sources from Gitega and Kinshasa confirmed that this bilateral military arrangement was planned such that Burundian soldiers would fight alongside the FARDC, wearing the latter’s uniform.

Burundian troops under this bilateral arrangement receive instructions from Kinshasa. Their mission is directed by Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi. They are not constrained by any regional protocols and regulations.

As clashes between M23 rebels and the Congolese army with its coalition escalates, some Burundian troops deployed under the bilateral agreement were shot dead while others were captured and paraded by M23 in the media.

Since October 1, fighting between the M23 rebels and the FARDC-coalition comprising the genocidal FDLR militia, European mercenaries, Wazalendo and other militias, erupted. The rebels were attacked at Kilolirwe, Nturo, Gicwa, and some other areas in Masisi territory. Houses of Congolese Tutsi were set on fire in the town of Nturo. The government coalition killed unarmed civilians and looted their property.

All the fighting and atrocities happened in the areas controlled by the Burundian contingent under EACRF.

The Burundian troops in DRC, whether under the bilateral agreement or under the EACRF, are no longer trustful. They are accomplices in atrocities and the violence being perpetrated by FARDC and its coalition.

Sources from Masisi territory confirmed to the Great Lakes Eye that the M23 suspected that a convoy of Burundian contingent might be supplying arms and ammunitions to militia groups fighting alongside FARDC. The M23 rebels manning a roadblock asked the troops to show what they were carrying, and they refused. It ended up with the convoy being denied passage.

If the Burundian troops really act “professionally” as they claimed in a statement issued on October 6, why would they be bothered by M23?

The contingents from Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda have never complained.

The rebel group has been compliant with the EAC-led Nairobi peace process and the Luanda peace initiative, and withdrew from areas they earlier fought, captured and occupied, handing them over to EACRF. The M23 was committed the ceasefire.

The resurgence in clashes was instigated by FARDC and its coalition partners.
