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DRC’s security crisis not Rwanda’s responsibility


The UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) peacekeepers with civilians living in North Kivu Province, eastern DRC.

Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi has been blaming Rwanda for the security crisis in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, an issue that has been ongoing for almost three decades.

Why not blame the right people for this situation? If there are any valid criticisms to be directed to Rwanda, Kigali will accept them.

Related: Kagame: The problem is not between me and Tshisekedi

But the parties escalating the insecurity that has plagued eastern DRC for decades, be it the government in Kinshasa, or members of the M23 rebellion, are all Congolese citizens. No way should Rwanda be blamed for this sad situation.

Related: Why the M23 rebels are fighting

The rebels are fighting to protect the lives of their persecuted community, Congolese Tutsi who are now targets of hate speech and violence orchestrated by their own government.

They took up arms to defend themselves against an existential threat. If they don’t fight, they will all be exterminated. Hundreds have, so far, been murdered in various parts of eastern DRC.

The group has been fighting in DRC since late 2021, after nearly a decade of silence following their defeat in 2013. It is calling for the rights of its persecuted and disowned community to be recognized as legitimate citizens with full rights as any other Congolese nationals.

The Congolese government has to understand that the conflict in the east of the country is their own responsibility not the neighbor’s.

Related: Tshisekedi’s plan to kick out EAC regional force spells doom for DRC

Different regional initiatives including the Nairobi and Luanda peace processes were designed to solve the conflict in eastern DRC, but Tshisekedi turned against the efforts.

The East African Community Regional Force secured territories evacuated by the M23 rebels since December 2022, as stipulated in the Luanda roadmap. The regional force now occupies Sake, Kibumba, Rumangabo, Mushaki, Kilolirwe, Kitchanga, Kiwanja, and Bunagana among many other areas previously controlled by the rebels.

Kinshasa not only failed to dialogue with the M23 as the next stage after their withdrawal, but instead, plotted to put the rebels on the warpath again.

Tshisekedi sabotaged all the regional efforts aimed at pacifying the region by plotting demonstrations against peace keeping missions, creating more armed groups and collaborated with the UN sanctioned Rwandan genocidal militia, FDLR.

As if that was not enough, Tshisekedi hired Western mercenaries to collaborate with the newly created armed groups like Wazalendo, and FDLR in attacking the M23.

Tshisekedi prefers war with the M23 despite regional leaders reiterating that the conflict can only be sustainably resolved through a political process.

His priority now is not halting insecurity in eastern DRC, but securing his presidential seat. He still wants bribes, enjoying luxury trips and vacations while the Congolese population suffers from hunger, poor infrastructure, insecurity as well as bad governance.

Blaming Rwanda for all his failures is only a pretext to confuse his compatriots.
