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Fake experts distorting facts about DRC conflict


The root cause of the current Kinshasa-Kigali tensions is the resurgence of the M23 rebels since late 2021. This is fueled by a large number of media outlets who hype the crisis with the help of fake experts, often referred to as researchers on central Africa, especially the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Most of these ‘experts’ are westerners shaping the narratives to fit their desires. But the question remains; in a country of more than 95 million people, can the DRC not provide a credible researcher? Or the political commentators and researchers living in the region do not fit these media outlets’ agenda?


Unfortunately, the hyped DRC scholars are ill-informed on what is happening in the east of the vast country. Those who are informed of what is happening ignore to say the truth because of their personal interests.


On January 23, Christoph Vogel and Judith Verweijen wrote an article entitled: “How to avoid false narratives around DR Congo's M23 conflict” where they discussed how information warfare is creating real effects on the ground.


Writing in The New Humanitarian, the duo seemed like good ‘researchers’ when analyzing the ongoing conflicts in eastern DRC. But they are corrupt, biased and only facilitate Kinshasa to spread lies to the international community.


They lie that M23 rebels are the cause of the DRC crisis. They ignore the more than 130 armed groups over there, including the FDLR genocidal militia and the ADF terror group, who are wreaking havoc in eastern DRC.


“The M23 is led by Congolese Tutsi and is part of a long line of Congolese rebel groups with close ties to Rwanda,” stated Vogel and Verweijen.


With this kind of statement, these ‘experts’ showed Kinshasa’s narrative, and involved themselves in emphasizing the Congolese government fabrications, while covering their leadership failures.


The duo downplayed the statement the UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, Alice Wairimu Nderitu, made after her visit to the DRC from November 10-13, 2022.


Nderitu’s said that the current violence and persecution of Congolese Tutsi is being fueled by the individuals involved in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, who fled to DRC, forming armed groups such as the FDLR, a genocidal militia which is still active in eastern DRC.


Instead, Vogel and Verweijen claimed that FDLR ‘is now a shadow of its former self’.


Facts and evidence of root causes of the DRC crisis are well documented, with DRC government failures on top.


For more than a decade, Kinshasa has lacked the political will to find a sustainable solution for the M23. The rebels’ grievances are due to the constant denial by their government to recognize them as legitimate citizens. Kinshasa brands them as terrorists instead.


The failure of the UN mission in DRC (MONUSCO), which has been active since 1999, has contributed to the increase of armed groups in DRC. The blue helmets also overlook corruption among Congolese officials who sell military equipment and create factions in the national army, to fill their own pockets instead of protecting national integrity and sovereignty as they are mandated to.


Christoph Vogel is one of the developers of the Congo Research Group founded in 2015 by Jason Stearns. Stearns is an American who pretends to know DRC at all levels, in and out.


He calls himself an expert but he is, instead, one of Kinshasa’s hired propaganda guns for hire.
