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French court absolves Natacha Polony’s genocide denial because it shields the real bastards from scrutiny


Journalist Natacha Polony’s has been acquitted of the charge of genocide denial by a French court in a trial which, as expected, turned out to be a kangaroo court of Caucasians casually talking about the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. 


Polony was indicted after declaring that "Unfortunately, we are typically in the kind of case where we had bastards facing other bastards (...) there were not on one side the good guys and on the other the bad guys in this story".  


She made these vile statements with regard to the 1994 tragedy in Rwanda as she tried to justify France’s continued support to the genocidal government that was exterminating Rwanda’s Tutsi. Then and now, as she celebrates this outrageous court’s verdict, Polony’s objective is to shield from scrutiny French bastards who have never faced justice for their complicity in the crime of crimes. 


“[With this decision] the court sends the message that historians, researchers, can work, express themselves on what happened (in Rwanda), deepen the situation without being threatened with legal proceedings ", Polony reacted to the court’s verdict, self-mythologizing as a martyr fighting for the right of historians and researchers to establish moral equivalence between the genocidaires and those who stood in the way of their extermination project. 


To be sure, the court’s verdict sends the message that it agrees with former President Francois Mitterand’s view that “In those countries, genocide is not that important.” 


This view is indeed the reason why French bastards decided to support a genocidal government which was inciting the population to kill en masse when the Rwanda Patriotic Forces (RPA) was trying to stop the killings. It is these competing actions that determine who the bastards were or are, if the court’s behavior is to be considered as well as its celebration on the part of Polony and her ilk. 


In the bastards’ world, if it could be argued that both forces were bad, it would be easy to justify choosing the side that served their geopolitical interests even if that meant that the extermination of Tutsi would be completed or total. 


The court’s adherence to this view is the only way to make sense of the fact that Polony got away with a clear case of minimization of the genocide against the Tutsi, when she attempted to equate it to other crimes allegedly committed by RPA forces. 


For one thing, it would be absurd to suggest that during World War II both Allied Forces and Nazis constituted “bastards against bastards” due to whatever crimes might have been committed by the former. If that is absurd, then to suggest the same for Africans, the RPA, is just racism and poor upbringing. 


“If the judgment had not gone in this direction, no journalist would have broached this subject,” Polony said, as she continued the self-martyrdom depiction – disgusting for those with a sense of decency – of the trial she invited on herself. 


If Polony cared to read western press, journalists all over the western world have been falling over themselves trying to rewrite the history of Rwanda. UN agencies have been manipulated to manufacture a mythical genocide against the Hutus committed by the RPA only to find that they have no facts to stand on.


So, they invented one in neighboring Congo. A Mapping Report with unnamed victims, perpetrators, investigators and witnesses was drafted and published in completed disregard of all ethical values and with only one main objective in mind: shielding from scrutiny western powers, members of the Security Council that enabled a foreseeable genocide and continued to support genocidal forces that had fled to former Zaire and militarized refugees camps before launching attacks inside Rwanda. To date, voices in the western world that broach the subject of the West’s support to genocidaires before, during and after the genocide are too few and too far in between despite the need to bring the necessary attention to the crimes committed by their bastards, particularly the French ones. 


Instead, and shamelessly, a court in Belgium acquitted the Belgian peacekeepers who abandoned thousands of Tutsi that had sought refuge at ETO in Kigali, then the main cantonment of the Belgian UN troops, to be murdered in cold blood by Interahamwe militia and government soldiers. 


Similarly, UK courts have opposed the extradition of genocide fugitives living in the country and refused to judge them on ridiculous grounds. Further still, French courts, have over the years stalled judicial proceedings of genocide fugitives living in France with the first condemnation being issued on March 14, 2014, twenty years after the genocide. 


In light of these delaying tactics and outrageous judicial conduct, the French court’s decision to acquit Polony does not come as a surprise. It follows the same logic that seeks to render insignificant the genocide committed against the Tutsi, African lives. 


But Rwandans have been patient and resilient. Even as Polony insists that the world should focus on the RPA crimes to deflect its attention from France’s complicity in the genocide against the Tutsi, genocide survivors continue their unrelenting fight against French perpetrators of crimes against humanity in the role of an active accomplice that the self-obsessed prefer to call “blindness.” 


For instance, the French commission set up by President Macron (despite the resistance of reactionary forces of which Polony is part of) overlooked some facts which in time will come to light thanks to the work of many activists and the courage of survivors. With time, Polony will have to face the reality of mass rapes committed by French soldiers – ostensibly sent to rescue the remaining Tutsi were deployed when it became evident that the genocidal government, France’s ally, had lost the war against the RPA – during the genocide against the Tutsi.  


As the crimes French soldiers committed are exposed, the noise of reactionaries will increase in the realization that in 1994, RPA heroes confronted genocidaires and their accomplices, the French bastards. 

Source: www.newtimes.co.rw 
