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From liberation to prosperity under Kagame's leadership


The Chairman of the RPA High Command, Paul Kagame, speaks to Muhabura Radio reporter Anaclet Kalibata during the liberation struggle

A few years after the Rwanda Patriotic Army, the armed wing of the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF), liberated Rwanda and stopped the Genocide against the Tutsi, Filip Reyntjens, a Professor at the University of Antwerp in Belgium, voiced pessimism, doubting if the new leadership would transform a shattered Rwanda into a peaceful and developed country.


Reyntjens, a rabid critic of Rwanda and its leadership, infamously declared: “Rather than liberation, inclusiveness and democracy, the RPF has brought oppression, exclusion and dictatorship. People's widespread and deep-rooted feelings of frustration, anger and despair are a fertile breeding ground for structural violence, and they are likely to again lead to acute violence.”


But how wrong he was. Rwanda has, instead, recorded breathtaking socio economic growth which has seen it become a hub for economic activity across the African continent.


But amid the gigantic strides Rwanda has achieved since July the 4th 1994, Reyntjens, whose objectivity is blurred by his illogical hatred of Rwanda and its leadership because of his association with the genocidal regime, continues to spew negativity against a united and progressing country.


As Rwanda celebrated its 29th anniversary of Liberation Day - Kwibohora29 on July 4, joyful and appreciative Rwandans expressed themselves through an assortment of activities.


Rwanda’s Liberation anniversary is known to be one of Rwanda’s highly respected events celebrated across the globe by Rwanda Diplomatic missions and community. In Zimbabwe, Rwanda’s Liberation Day will be celebrated in Harare on the 21st of July.


Back in Rwanda, while some Rwandans, especially those who bravely participated in the liberation struggle, were sharing their emotion-filled stories of their experiences during the struggle which began on the 1st of October 1990 and culminated in Liberation Day, others partook in various activities.


On July the 4th 1994 triumphant RPF liberation fighters stormed Kigali to completely free Rwanda from the grip of the genocidal regime and usher the shattered country into a new era of peace, unity and inclusive socio economic progress


As part of celebrating the 29th anniversary of the Liberation Day, some Rwandans conveyed their happiness through song and dance, while others embarked on a 21-kilometer liberation march to commemorate the hardships endured by the RPF Inkotanyi in their quest to free Rwanda, and to serve as an inspiration for the generations to come.


Other Rwandans were cheerful recipients of multi-million dollar transformative projects which were launched by Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente in Rwanda’s Western Province.


The projects included a model village in Rugerero Sector, Rubavu District, which will serve as a home to 120 families. The Rugerero Model Village comprises an early childhood development center, a school with smart classrooms, a health center, various playgrounds, a mini market and beautiful plantation and landscaping.


These projects were constructed by the Ministry of Defence and the Rwanda Defence Force.


Ngirente dedicated the model village to the residents of Rubavu, describing it as a special gift from President Paul Kagame.


Meanwhile, at the newly opened Kigali Pele Stadium, football lovers were absorbed in a pulsating duel pitting the Republican Guard Unit FC and the Task Forces Division on Monday, July 3


The Republican Guard Unit FC beat the Task Forces Division 1-0 in a tightly-contested final to win the inaugural RDF Football Liberation Trophy.

Amid the carnival atmosphere, other Rwandans such as Lieutenant Colonel Lydia Bagwaneza of the Republican Guard, were recounting their grueling journey after she joined the struggle when she had just completed Primary Six.


Lieutenant Colonel Lydia Bagwaneza and other RPF liberation fighters are proud that their efforts of liberating Rwanda from the genocidal regime have brought the desired results for all Rwandans.


Indeed, Rwanda is today a model state admired throughout the African continent and touted as the Singapore of Africa.


In equal measure, Rwandans, who for decades, were condemned to being refugees in other countries and languishing in abject poverty due to entrenched underdevelopment, are now revered by fellow Africans who see their country as the benchmark for socio economic progress.


On the other hand, Paul Paul Kagame is widely celebrated as an exemplary leader who has uplifted Rwandans from being a hopeless, poor and traumatized population to an admired nation. In addition, he is widely credited for his immeasurably contributions towards Africa’s development, including his efforts to safeguard peace and security across the continent.


Through President Kagame’s inclusive policies, Rwanda has made significant progress in infrastructure development, poverty reduction, provision of education and health, promoting gender equality, fighting corruption and creating an easy-going investment and business environment.


Rwanda has also made huge strides in the areas of diplomacy and bilateral cooperation


Under President Kagame’s leadership, Rwanda’s life expectancy rose to above 70 years in 2023 from a low of 26 in 1994. Rwanda’s literacy rate has vastly improved to 75.90% as a result of inclusive education policies.


Coinciding with Liberation Day celebrations was the release of the 2023 Global Skills Report which placed Rwanda in the third position on a continental level and 52nd globally in ensuring proficiency in skills development.


The ranking was made by Coursera, an open online course provider based in the United States.


The report drew data from Coursera's database that has over 124 million learners from 100 countries. This year's report focused on three of the most sought-after and job-relevant skill domains: business, technology, and data science.


According to the report Rwanda's position is proof for the country's dedication to nurturing a highly skilled workforce.


This confirms the high participation of Rwanda’s young people in the socio economic development of their country.


President Kagame has put in place mechanisms that ensure the unfettered participation of young people in Rwanda’s development programmes and he is relentless in encouraging their input.


In a tweet made on July 4, as Rwanda celebrated the 29th Liberation Day, President Kagame highlighted the need for the younger generation to actively contribute to the nation's development and ensure that the hard-fought gains are not squandered.


“As we celebrate Rwanda’s achievements in the last 29 years, we pay tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for every citizen of Rwanda to live a dignified life,” President Kagame remarked, acknowledging the sacrifices made by individuals who fought for the country's liberation, with some paying the ultimate price.


Addressing the youth directly, President Kagame emphasized the responsibility they bear in carrying forward the nation's transformation: “To the young generation, it is your time to pick up from where the country has been brought and do your part to make sure that the fruits of the sacrifices of the previous generation are not wasted.”


He also emphasized that the journey towards transforming Rwanda into a prosperous and inclusive nation necessitates unwavering commitment and resilience.

Source: www.newtimes.co.rw 
