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How Museveni lost sight of grand strategy on Rwanda


When President Yoweri Museveni took over power in 1986, he promised a better Uganda – free of torture and killings.  He impressed many on the strategy of a strong regional cooperation through the East African Community (EAC).  He painted a picture of a far sighted leader with a Pan Africanist spirit. Museveni blasted imperialists and condemned corruption.

I reflected on the history of Museveni’s rule for the last 35 years, after reading an article by Andrew Mwenda of September 13, in The Independent, titled, “Losing sight of grand strategy.”

The impressive speeches by Museveni over the years turned out to be empty talk. He did not walk the talk. Ugandans and Rwandans are brutalized in equal measure by Museveni’s security agencies. The NRM regime is more corrupt than any other past Ugandan government.   

I concur with Mwenda in his article on a number of issues.  On others,  especially on the relations between Uganda and Rwanda, Mwenda was economical with the truth. But I understand him because he knows where his bread is buttered.

One pertinent question Mwenda asked needs an answer and is very crucial in solving the impasse in the relationship of Uganda and Rwanda. “Why arrest before investigating?” He goes on to ask, “But why does CMI hold them for months or years without trial or even a charge?”

This was in reference to the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) which has for the last three years arrested Rwandans, tortured and killed others on the false allegations that they are spies. The CMI reports to Museveni and acts on his orders. If that was not the case, the head of CMI, Gen. Abel Kandiho, should have been sent to Luzira and charged for human rights abuses. Instead, he is given more powers and confidence.

The killing of Rwandans by state security agencies shows that Museveni has lost the grand strategy of the EAC principle that promotes free movement of people and goods. Cross border trade can flourish only when there is peace. The border is not closed, as Mwenda thinks, as a strategic mistake that Rwanda made.

Rwanda made it clear that the border is open. What was stopped, was taking for granted Rwanda's lucrative market. You cannot complain about trade when Rwandans who cross to Uganda are harassed and killed.


“Over the last three years, I have been disappointed and frustrated: this big picture disappears when it comes to dealing with Rwanda,” Mwenda rightly lamented. Mwenda talks of Rwanda’s mistakes in her relations with Uganda – mentioning that Rwanda internet trolls declared a war on Lt.Gen.Muhoozi Keinerugaba, “yet he was a powerful voice in seeking good relations with Kigali and he had a clout to push this case.” 

These internet trolls are not the government of Rwanda. On the other hand, a Ugandan government official attached to state house, Duncan Abigaba, is on record insulting the Rwandan President. If Muhoozi has the magic words to change the heart of his father, Mwenda should encourage him to focus on the big picture and ignore the small internet trolls.

But here is the missing truth that Mwenda may have forgotten. When Rwanda complains about Uganda’s support for the Rwanda National Congress (RNC) of Kayumba Nyamwasa, and members of FDLR who committed the genocide against the Tutsi in 1994, there is concrete evidence. The RNC and FDLR are terrorist groups. Both have links with Uganda.

Mwenda should remember very well that Museveni, after years of denial,  finally accepted that he had met RNC officials “accidentally.” One of them is Tribert Rujugiro, the group’s chief financer, as well as Eugene Gasana and Mukankusi Charlotte. Mukankusi, the RNC commissioner for diplomacy, was given a Ugandan passport, number A000199979. This followed earlier passports issued to FDLR leaders Ignace Murwanashyaka, former president of the FDLR; and Protais Mpiranya, alias Kakule James, who held Uganda passport B 0509922 issued on 29-09-2005).    

RNC operatives have been embedded in the CMI and they are the ones who provide false evidence against Rwandans in Uganda.  Sulah Nuwamanya and Prossy Bonabana operate a Non-Governmental Organization called Self-Worth Initiative (SWI) through which the RNC clandestinely conducts its activities in Uganda.

In December 2017, a bus with registration number UAQ 3748, ferrying 40 RNC recruits facilitated by CMI was intercepted on the Uganda-Tanzania border. This is just a tip of the iceberg of Uganda’s plot to destabilize Rwanda.

Uganda has never produced any evidence implicating Rwanda in destabilizing Uganda.  Museveni’s grand dream to lead the East African Federation is his right.

However, this cannot be achieved by plotting regime change in Rwanda to replace a democratically elected President with Kayumba. Mwenda and Gen. Muhoozi should probably advise Museveni that this is where his grand strategy on Rwanda has gone fundamentally wrong. 
