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Igihango cy’Urungano: An initiative worth extending to Rwandans abroad


The Rwandan Community Abroad (RCA) is referred to as the sixth province of Rwanda. This is grounded in the fact that Rwandans living abroad constitute a considerable critical mass. Their associations represent an important Rwandan constituency that needs to be constantly mobilized along the national political programmes so that they become part of Rwanda’s transformation journey.  Most specifically, Rwandan youth living abroad should be given special consideration. 

Over the years, the youth population amongst Rwandans living abroad has grown considerably. Typically, this group ought to be regarded as a positive trendsetter based on the characteristics of the youth and their perceived pluses in nation building.  However, in our RCAs, the youth are still faced with a serious identity crisis. It is a puzzling state of affairs that has persisted for a while. This identity crisis among the Rwandans living abroad, paired with the vicious political environments and other social factors, increased their vulnerability as young Rwandans.

More than ever before, this calls for a robust and aggressive campaign by the Ministry of Youth and Culture, through Rwanda’s diplomatic missions, to unlock this puzzle through effective mobilization strategies. In Rwanda, the initiative of Igihango cy’ Urungano helped in addressing the identity crisis among the young generation and contributed in uniting this important cluster of our population to become active players of national transformation.

The youth living abroad should not be left behind.  Our diplomatic missions can take up this great initiative and replicate the same for the Rwandan youth living abroad. Bringing this initiative near these young Rwandans is perhaps the best way to mobilise them. It will not only be time effective for the beneficiaries but will also help to have it as a constant mobilization program with some considerable positive multiplier effects on the Rwandan society living abroad. The Rwandan youth living in regions like Australia, Europe and the Americas need to catch up with their peers in the country on these very important milestones brought about by the prodigious youth forum - Igihango cy’ Urungano. 

For those in African countries closer to Rwanda, this initiative cannot only be taken to them as Rwandans, but once they are effectively mobilized, it is one that can grow into a made in Rwanda Pan-African youth mobilization instrument; just like the famous Youth Connekt Forum.  My plea is that the implementing institutions should not wait until the Covid-19 pandemic has ceased to start.  This pandemic, however much it has been devastating, has taught us to use technological inventions to carry out some of our activities in a blink of time.

The use of video conferencing platforms can be a low hanging fruit to consume as we wait for the end of this pandemic to have better and conducive platforms for this initiative to take place in the associations of the Rwandan Community Abroad. It is my conviction that failure to do so, only leaves our youth abroad, at the mercy of their elders, some of whom are still hostages of the politics of the division they were exposed to for decades.  Besides, Rwanda very much needs the skills possessed by these young people. Once effectively mobilized, these youths will be key drivers of the national transformation agenda through tapping into their unlimited skills and youthful energy.

Here at home, the youth have come to learn that Igihango cy’Urungano is not just an event. It is way more important than that. It is a Promise of a Generation. “Si umuhango ni igihango”.
