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International Women's Day: Every Rwandan woman counts


Every year, on March 8, the world celebrates the achievements of women. Nations celebrate the progress made to date, and reflect on the outstanding hurdles that still need to be tackled towards gender equality.


In Rwanda, International Women’s Day represents the struggles, perseverance and determination of women because the development of each and every Rwandan woman means an entire nation’s development.


In this regard, the Rwandan government has embarked on a journey of creating and supporting women to tap into the existing opportunities for growth and development so as to effectively contribute to the country’s transformational journey.


Rwanda is renowned as a pioneer for gender equality. In 2022, Rwanda was ranked in the top 10 of the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report. It was ranked in the top four in the report’s political empowerment category, in recognition of the high proportion of Rwandan women lawmakers and ministers.


To date, Rwanda is the world leader by having many females in parliament, 61.3% in the lower house, and 38.8% in the Senate. In the cabinet, women and men have equal representation.


This is a globally celebrated move. Rwanda’s stand is; the right policy frameworks, politics and legal reforms will assure equal rights and opportunities for men and women. 


However, narrowing the gender gaps and inequality requires both commitment and actions. This is why Rwanda is making great strides in empowering women and girls, be it in politics, in business, and in science and technology.


Women entrepreneurs in Rwanda penetrate all businesses industries. They play a critical role in socio-economic development. By 2020, 33 per cent of the country’s enterprises were owned by women, among them; micro, small, and medium enterprises were owed by women at 32 per cent.


Through different programs streamlined to meet the needs of women owned businesses, Rwanda invests in effective and tailored support to women entrepreneurs, especially in the coffee and horticulture sectors.


As we come towards the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, Rwandan women - especially women entrepreneurs - have been proportionally affected by the health crisis, effecting the government of Rwanda to allocate part of its $250 million economic recovery fund to the working capital of women-owned businesses. This shows Rwanda’s commitment to ensuring that no woman is left behind in the post-pandemic economic recovery.


Rwanda is spurring a generation of women in technology, and it has been a champion of women in ICT and in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This is done by driving initiatives like the establishment of high-level universities and encouraging girls’ enrollment.


International Women’s Day is a reminder to support and uplift women in every sector.  And, in Rwanda, every woman counts.


Rwandans have learnt that equality is a right not a favour.


Rwandans are working to ensure that the next generations of women and girls inherit a nation where their aspirations have no limits.
