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Kennedy Rights Foundation joins the fray, sides with convicted terrorist


It’s surprising how some human rights organisations are calling for the release Paul Rusesabagina, a convicted terrorist.


Rusesabagina’s case, investigations and the entire trial, was a product of many years of judicial cooperation among several countries including the US and Belgium. As already known, it was not simply a single incident that happened and led to the conviction, contrary to what is being portrayed out there. Evidence was gathered on, among others, how Rusesabagina effected transfers of funds for terrorism activities from San Antonio in Texas.


Inspite of all, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, formerly the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights, or RFK Center, an American nonprofit rights advocacy organization, issued a report titled: “5 things to know about Rusesabagina” on August 23. The latter shows how the Robert F. Kennedy Foundation buys into lies spread by Rusesabagina’s family claiming, among others, that he was victim of a malware carried out by the Rwandan government.


It’s ridiculous to claim that Rusesabagina was lured from his home in the US yet Rusesabagina has been trotting the globe fundraising for his terrorist activities.


Being a critic of President Kagame is not the reason he was arrested.

He was apprehended on an arrest warrant for funding terrorist armed groups like the FDLR which stands accused of committing genocide in Rwanda.


This information was provided to Rwandan authorities by FBI and the Belgian Prosecution services.


Being a Belgian citizen and a US resident doesn’t give Rusesabagina  free license to form and fund a terrorist group which attacked Rwanda and killed innocent Rwandans. Receiving a presidential medal does not protect him from prosecution for his involvement in acts of terrorism.


This fake Hollywood hero is, for many Rwandans, a villain. Rusesabagina’s heroism was manufactured in Hollywood though the blockbuster movie Hotel Rwanda. Inside Rwanda, he’s not a hero, but a villain, a man hungry to overthrow the current government using his armed militias, the MRCD/FLN.


As a leader of this militia, he supported it financially, and cheered as it wreaked havoc in south western Rwanda, attacking passenger buses. Members of his militia group ransacked Nyabimata village where they killed several people and damaged a lot of property.


Surprisingly, there was no outcry by the Robert Kennedy Foundation or other organisations who pretend to defend human rights.


No hero

Rusesabagina was wrongly credited for saving the Tutsi in 1994 in Hôtel des Mille Collines which he managed and, therefore, wrongly received the  ‘Presidential Medal Award of Freedom’ given by former US president George W. Bush in November 2005.

Genocide survivors who were in the hotel don’t agree with the narrative that Rusesabagina saved people who sought refuge in Hôtel des Mille Collines.


It’s scandalous for the Foundation to accept to be a vehicle of lies concocted by Rusesabagina’s family, especially her daughter Carine Kanimba, dubbed the ‘Queen of Lies.’


The claim that  “Rusesabagina’s rights to be to be brought promptly before the judge, be presumed innocent, and have access to consular assistance were violated” is a blatant lie. This is a lie fabricated by his family to prompt the sympathy of his backers in the West who fell for these fabrications and consider Rusesabagina an innocent man.


 In the report, the Robert Kennedy Foundation wants Rusesabagina to be “brought promptly before a judge,” meaning he should be tried again. This is another example of the arrogance and white supremacist attitude some people, or organisations, show to African countries.


Rusesabagina’s rights were respected, and there is no way his case can be revisited. He was not “wrongly detained,” as asserted by the Kennedy Foundation.


Rusesabagina was properly sentenced.


Surprisingly, none of the terror convict’s supporters criticize his trial focusing on the evidence. They all know it was not fabricated. All they say is that the trial was not fair, but fail to convince the world on how it was unfair.


To say that the US Congress passed a resolution “calling on the government of Rwanda to release Rusesabagina” is tantamount to the US Congress interfering in Rwanda’s judicial system. If no one can dictate to a US Court, it’s perplexing that the US Congress believes it can dictate to the Rwandan government what to do.


Like all of Rusesabagina’s backers, the Kennedy Foundation calls for his immediate release. This smacks of white supremacy.
