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Kinshasa behind illegal mineral exploitation in eastern DRC


The latest UN Group of Experts Report on the Democratic Republic of Congo set to be officially released some time in June, pins the Congolese government on supporting the illegal exploitation of minerals by the Republican Guard in Ituri Province.

A Congolese Armed Forces’ Republican Guard unit has specific missions to ensure the protection of the President of the Republic and his family, as well as distinguished guests; the security of presidential property and installations; and escorts and honors at the level of the Presidency of the Republic. However, the Congolese Republican Guard has gone beyond protecting President Felix Tshisekedi.

The report revealed that since 2023, the soldiers have been involved in gold mining within the vicinity of the town of Tali in Ituri. The Republican Guard is said to have protected the mine on behalf of politically exposed individuals and economic actors.

The report also uncovers the involvement of certain officers and soldiers of the FARDC, as well as armed groups such as rival militias of the Cooperative for the Development of Congo (CODECO) and the Zaïre, in the mining sector and other illicit economic activities in Ituri. This situation, already documented in the 2022 UN expert group report, persists widely.

According to the report, 70 percent of FARDC troops deployed in Ituri were involved in taxing routes and providing paid security for private mining companies. The military governor acknowledged the extent of this problem in the province of Ituri.

Several sources from the FARDC and security services indicated that these activities diverted troops from planned military operations in the province. This explains the extreme violence against innocent civilians, so documented in the same report. Purges carried out by armed groups, notably the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) and CODECO, are particularly horrifying. Since mid-October 2023, the ADF massacred more than 1,000 people.

Ituri, has turned into a ‘city of mafia’ where members of the Congolese government, Tshisekedi’s Republic Guards, his soldiers, coexist with scenes of atrocious massacres perpetrated by armed groups, CODECO and ADF.

The report’s findings highlight Tshisekedi’s bad governance, and his thirst for wealth, at the expense of the life of his own citizens.
