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Leadership vacuum at heart of DRC woes


For anyone with interest in happenings in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), here is a friendly piece of advice; it is rather naïve to look at issues of this restive nation within the vacuum of current events. It runs deeper than that.


The country’s leadership is to blame. The question however is; until when will the country suffer from the prevailing state of confusion? 


For years, what seemed to be a temporary miscalculation from the country’s leadership has come to be the modus operandi of the DRC leadership since the mid 1990s.


From welcoming the genocidaires from Rwanda, in 1994, to providing rear bases for FDLR – formed by the same genocidaires – to launching a military offensive against Rwanda, to overtly fighting alongside these terrorists against Congolese citizens with legitimate grievances.


The Congolese armed forces (FARDC) and these genocidal militia launched strikes on Rwandan territory on several occasions in May.


The axis of evil between FARDC and FDLR is not a new phenomenon. It is a recurrent mistake from DRC leaders who seem to have not learnt lessons from past attempts.


The on and off military cooperation between these two have heavy consequences on the country. Unfortunately, it has been the Congolese civilians that suffered the most.


The FDLR uses this relationship to terrorize civilians; loot and rape at will.


The genocidaires plundered natural resources to enrich themselves and fund their terrorist enterprise. Local politicians who see opportunities in such a chaotic situation line their pockets with illicit wealth to the detriment of their compatriots. 


The politicians’ choice to associate with elements that aim at destabilizing their neighbors is an independent choice by DRC’s leadership. But joining forces with FDLR to shell Rwanda’s territory will have consequences.


The most absurd thing is not the united front between FARDC and FDLR because this has been with us for years. What is absurd is the Congolese leadership shamelessly stating that the FDLR is a spent force. 


The genocidaires are not only fighting alongside the government forces. They are actually on the frontline of the offensive against the M23 rebels in the east of DRC.


In his remarks, at the UN General Assembly in New York in September, DRC President Felix Tshisekedi shamelessly lied to the world that FDLR is not a threat to Rwanda. This is an indication that DRC’s problem lies in its leadership right from the very top.


Currently, the blame game and the scapegoating strategy of DRC leadership has stimulated an appalling hate speech against Kinyarwanda speaking Congolese. It degenerated into the lynching of Congolese nationals of Rwandan decent. Tshisekedi turned a blind eye and instead choose to cry wolf, trying to deflect and blame Rwanda for his own failures.


The lynching of Kinyarwanda speaking Congolese is ongoing and always overlooked by the security forces of DRC. A disturbing mass mobilization is currently undergoing in the country, supported by hate speech and deadly slogans targeting Rwandophones. This is taking place in all corners of DRC, including the capital Kinshasa.


The blame game and the scapegoating strategy has not worked against Rwanda.


They are now mobilizing Congolese to commit a genocide against their compatriots who speak Kinyarwanda. The DRC leadership should perhaps call it a day, and embrace talks with the M23 to find a lasting solution to their qualms. Recapturing Bunagana – which is currently controlled by the M23 rebels – should not be an end in itself. They should look for a more sustainable approach.


Regarding their cooperation with the FDLR, President Tshisekedi should understand two things. First, choosing to cooperate with the FDLR might be his independent choice and he can pursue his political ambitions with their help, but  he should not try to fool anyone about their existence. 


Secondly, while Tshisekedi chooses to collaborate with the FDLR, he should refrain from the mistake of supporting them to destabilize Rwanda.
