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Looming leadership crisis in Uganda


In May 2013, the coordinator of intelligence services at the time, Gen. David Sejusa, wrote a controversial letter to the Director General of the Internal Security Organisation calling for a probe into allegations that senior government and military officials, including himself, opposed to the “Muhoozi Project” were on the radar of elimination. Defence Minister Crispus Kiyonga then told Parliament that such a project did not exist.

Although President Yoweri Museveni denied allegations that he had plans for his son Gen. Muhoozi Keinerugaba to succeed him, security agencies ransacked and switched off The Monitor printing press which had printed Sejusa’s letter. The Monitor website and two radio stations were also switched off. It is then that Gen. David Sejusa fled for his dear life, to the UK.

Gen. Sejusa who was in a sensitive position in government seems to have spilled the beans pre-maturely on Museveni succession plot.  As majority Ugandans are of the view that Museveni’s retirement is long overdue, there is a fresh campaign from a few but well-connected individuals who are sounding drums of support for the Muhoozi project.  From the letter by Gen. Sejusa, it is apparent that Museveni is the chief architect of the project to have his son replace him by 2026.

Ugandans are wondering whether Museveni thinks that the vision to lead Uganda can only be found in his family, but the question as to whether Ugandans will accept the plot, is another one that millions of Ugandans have to seriously ponder.

Of recent, the Muhoozi project has gained momentum especially on social media sites promoting the first son as “presidential material.” Some posters reading, “For peace, unity, transparency and supersonic development, vote President Muhoozi Kainerugaba 2026-2031,” are in the public.  In Parliament, Kasambya county youth MP David Kabanda, is the man said to be tasked to popularize Muhoozi in Parliament. Kabanda claims to have gained the support of 120 MPs. The Ugandan Parliament has a total of 529 members. 

Businessman Balaam Barugahara who is well connected to Museveni’s family and a beneficiary of lucrative government contracts was quoted by media saying that, the Muhoozi project is the best gift for Uganda because the first son was born into a wealthy family and so he is not into accumulating material things like most African leaders from poor backgrounds. Muhoozi, he said, is so different from sons of ministers in the South Sudan government who are leading luxurious lifestyles in Kampala.

Many Ugandans we talked to do not agree with Balaam. Being born into a wealth family is not the only criterion that makes one fit to be a president. Ideological clarity and other leadership qualities that Gen. Muhoozi does not possess matter more.

“Gen. Muhoozi is known for his childish posts on social media that any Military General worth the rank cannot do. How do you qualify him for presidency,” an angry politician asked. For Balaam to despise sons of Ministers in the South Sudan government is lack of respect towards officials of South Sudan.

In some of his recent erratic tweets, Gen. Muhoozi said that the Ugandan Army - UPDF - is one of the best armies on earth. He said the Ugandan army can remove the New Guinea president Col Mamady Doumbouya in a matter of hours, with the blessing from his father.  He bragged about fighting Abiy Ahmed’s government in Ethiopia.

Gen. Muhoozi is considered by many Ugandans as a war monger, on social media, who praises his father as a hero.  In Buganda we have a saying that whoever has not travelled thinks his mother is the best cook (atanayitayita yatenda nyina okufumba.)  “Gen. Muhoozi’s irresponsible utterances show that he is not fit to be in the position where he is. You now talk of him being the President of Uganda? This would be a tragedy,” said a military officer in Kampala who did not want his identity revealed. 

Faces behind Muhoozi Project

Veteran Journalist Andrew Mwenda is among those on the frontline of promoting the controversial Muhoozi project. Although at the back of his mind Mwenda knows very well that Museveni’s son does not possess leadership qualities. Insiders say that Mwenda, being a man who knows where his bread is buttered, is targeting a ministerial post should the Muhoozi project sail through come 2026.  

When Mwenda appeared in a T-shirt with a photo of Gen. Muhoozi captioned as “The Leader,” Muhoozi took on tweeter to complement Mwenda saying, “My friend and brother Mwenda never looked smarter than this. Finally he has good taste in his dress code.”

In the National Resistance Movement (NRM), sources from within say that senior party members are uncomfortable with Museveni’s plan to make his son who is a non-NRM cadre, jump the leadership line. This is likely to break up the party that has in the past lost a number of ‘historicals’ due to Museveni’s dictatorial tendency.

Many Ugandans today regret that after being failed by Museveni for more than three decades, with rampant corruption and nepotism, the country could be leading into a leadership crisis with serious security implications like never seen before.

Let us pray for our motherland, Uganda.
