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Mukankiko Sylvie, an awful genocide ideologue in Denmark


Although it’s been 28 years since the Genocide against the Tutsi took place in Rwanda, there still exists genocide ideologues who continue to propagate the noxious ideology, mainly through social media platforms that make it so easy for them to operate uncensored from all corners of the World. 

The Media was a big tool in the incitement of people to commit the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. After 28 years, genocide deniers never ceased to use the media as a tool to deny the genocide against the Tutsi, adding salt to wounds of survivors who still need justice.

Sylvie Mukankiko, a resident of Denmark is one of the genocide ideologues and deniers who seems to enjoy unfettered freedom to propagate hate through her YouTube channel and other social media platforms. There is this famous adage that says, show me your friend and I will tell you who you are. 

Well, generated from her rather bizarre vivacity in propagating the hate messages against a targeted group of people, Mukankiko first activated my apathy against all what she spends hours talking about, as she intentionally distorts all facts related to the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and engages in mass propaganda against the country’s leadership, always not any close to the truth but with new distorted facts and incoherent arguments. 

She is evidently confused and aiming at taking other people on the confusion roller-coaster. The truth of the matter is, she might fool none other than her immediate entourage but for a very short period of time as facts are very stubborn and always end up catching up with the forger.

For Mukankiko, it seems Genocide ideology is all she inherited from her extended family members.

Mukankiko hails from Kamonyi district, Kayumbu sector, Muyange cell, Kaje village.

She is a daughter of Mutabazi Andre, a former youth coordinator in the former commune of Murama. Her mother Nyiransengimana Drocella hails from Rutobwe; precisely from a place called Mukaje. Her parents are deceased. 

Mukankiko’s father, prior to his death, was in charge of mobilizing the youth militia of Interahamwe to identify and kill all the Tutsi in the former commune of Murama and Kayenzi. During the genocide, he is known to have been one the most dyed-in-the-wool killers as he would make sure that there is no survivor of his organized killings by coordinating a double-checking exercise to ascertain that all the Tutsi in his locality were killed.

In trying to understand where Mukankiko derives her hateful ideology, one needs to make a further step and look beyond her nuclear family but in her extended family as well. 

Her uncles, such as one Misago Deogratrias, is a notorious figure among the genocidaires  in the Rutobwe area. Her other uncle Theodore Mpatsenumugabo, a former employee of the then Ministry of Transport and Communication (MINITRANSCO), is now a refugee in Niger is known to be among the notorious figures who superintended over the killing of Tutsis who worked in this ministry.

He is an active genocide ideologue in his refuge in the West African country. The list of where she inherits her genocide ideology that still persists after almost three decades or more is long. 

But last but not least in her relatives’ long list who play a role in shaping her current behavior on top of her pitiable judgment capacity is her other uncle Nkiko Nsengimana, one of the founding members of FDU-Inkingi together with Ingabire Victoire but later parted ways, following their internal disagreements, often motivated by mutual denunciations of regionalism. 

Mukankiko Sylivie and her uncle, Nkiko Nsengimana

He is a former lecturer at the National University of Rwanda and a former director of Iwacu Kukabusunzu centre. He too, like his kith, is known to have motivated the killers to exterminate the Tutsi in Kayenzi where he hails.

Mukankiko is probably among the very few in her family who made it to Europe where she certainly is a beneficiary of a variety of social welfare packages in the Scandinavian country. This should have helped her in developing the right attitude to humanity and social responsibility and created an opportunity for her to change what is perceived as being a bad reputation of her family by doing the right thing. 

In the contrary, Mukankiko abused her status in Denmark. She utilized the space that Denmark offered her to propagate perilous hate messages that not only are dehumanizing but do not offer a penny of respect to the victims and survivors of the Genocide against the Tutsi. Denmark, her host country, so far, has taken no action against her citizen Mukankiko. For Rwandans this might lead to a conclusion that the country is simply indifferent to her treacherous acts or sides with her in her fallacies.

It is with no surprise that such a person that is Mukankiko has left her brothers Mutayomba Jean Damascene a.k.a Damas, in Rutobwe village and her brother Mutabazi Protais who from his desperate life was forced to live in the streets are left without any help from their sister in Denmark and spends hours of her working hours to produce hateful messages and spreading genocide ideology on social media networks. 

Having inherited the genocide ideology from her family should not and will never be considered a valid excuse for the crimes she is deliberately committing.  
