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Open letter to Ms. Dominique Attias, President of the European Bars Federation (FBE)


Dear Madam President,

I am compelled to write to you after reading from the media your letter dated May 4, regarding the case of Mr. Paul Rusesabagina. I know you may have heard that on June 19 and December 15, 2018,  a terror  group known as Front de Liberation National (FLN)  sponsored by Mr Rusesabagina attacked the village of Nyabimata, in southern Rwandaleaving at least nine people dead, many others injured and property destroyed.  Mr Rusesabagina is on record boasting about the attacks. You can find recorded videos in the media in case you are not aware.

I was surprised to read that you called for his immediate release. I believe you disregard the fact that when there is rule of law, justice must take its course. The demand implies in one way that Mr Rusesabagina is held for no good reason yet his innocence or culpability has to be proved by the courts of law.

On the FBE arguing for Rusesabagina to return to his home to be reunited with his family, I don't only find it unfair but cynical and a disregard of justice for the victims, widows and orphans of the FLN attacks. At least the family of Mr Rusesabagina knows where he is, and he is alive. The widows and orphans of the victims only wake up in tears to see the graves of their loved ones killed by Mr Rusesabagina’s terror group. The defence for human rights should not be selective but applied to all.

As for international lawyers to represent Mr Rusesabagina you know well that Rwandan lawyers cannot be allowed to practice in European courts without accreditation.  Should the existing procedures be disregarded because of one man, and a terror suspect at that?  The Rwandan Bar Association has well qualified lawyers, contrary to your insinuation that European lawyers are superior. Rusesabagina has lawyers of his own choice. 

Demanding Rwandan authorities to render Rusesabagina a fair trial before an impartial court implies five things. 1. Contempt of the Rwandan judicial system, 2.An assumption that Rwanda institutions have no separation of powers, 3. That the Rwandan judiciary is neither impartial nor independent, 4. That Rwandan institutions and the judicial system do not function in accordance with international law and practice, 5. Rwanda courts are incompetent unlike European ones.

Dear Madam President, the statement above is not only arrogant but a manifestation of a colonial mindset and superiority complex of the highest order in the 21st century. Rwanda is a sovereign country that abides by the Rule of Law and does not require any foreign influence to remind or dictate how the country should run its affairs.

In France where you are, an estimated 60% of the prisoners especially in the prison of Fleury-Mérogis are of Muslim origin under terror charges. You have not written to French authorities demanding immediately release of the suspects or asking for them to be tried in impartial courts, yet FBE allegedly promotes human rights in Europe and in the world.   

Before the law, the mighty and lowly are judged without fear or favor. Rusesabagina is not the first ‘celebrity’ to face the arm of the law. His fellow recipient of the American Presidential Medal of Freedom- Bill Cosby,  was convicted of multiple counts of sexual assault.  FBE did not write to US authorities to immediately release Cosby to reunite with his family as you say your organization promotes human rights worldwide. Calling Rwanda authorities to do what you do not ask other countries to do is application of double standards in matters of law both at national and international levels. 

Dear Madam President, allow me to inform you that despite your demand to have Rusesabagina released, without trial, many of his co-accused and key witnesses including American Professor, Michelle Martin PhD, told court in a 4-hour testimony the details of Rusesabagina's involvement with terrorism activities and plans to destabilise Rwanda. Her 70-page written testimony contained incriminating evidence including copies of emails and screenshots of text conversations.

You may also be aware that Belgian police searched Rusesabagina’s home and found evidence of money transfer and correspondence with other terror groups operating in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In the US, FBI has information linking Rusesabagina to terror networks in the Great Lakes Region.  Your letter is blind to all such evidence.

You know well that Rusesabagina is facing terrorism charges that cannot be swept away by a white washing letter. There is no reason to doubt he will be handed a fair trial like other terror suspects before court. I am surprised though, that despite being a lawyer,  your letter was based on Rusesabagina’s family lies and  sentiments as well as alarming fabricated statements by  Kitty Kurth who runs the family’s public relations campaign. Lawyers worth the name always act based on facts and evidence. Your letter therefore, contradicts the very principles you claim that the FBE promotes; the Rule of Law, the independence of justice and the right to a fair trial.

Let me end by inviting you to come to Rwanda and speak to the widows and orphans of FLN terror attacks as well as Rusesabagina’s co-accused, after which we can discuss more.

I sign this letter in Kigali on the 9th June 2021.

Gad Ntambara

Concerned Rwandan citizen 
