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Open letter to US senators on views about M23


Dear Senators,


Richard J. Durbin, Tim Kaine and Chris Van Hollen.


I read, with much disappointment, your letter dated October 20, 2022, addressed to the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and the Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, raising concerns related to the rebel group known as M23 in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


In your letter, you state that M23 has launched sophisticated and deadly attacks against the Congolese government, the UN stabilization mission (MONUSCO) and civilians.


“Given the years and degree of human suffering in eastern Congo we ask for an update on ongoing enforcement of US sanctions against M23 as required by Public Law 112-239,” reads your letter.


Dear Senators,

As someone who lives in DRC, I find your letter full of misinformation most likely provided to you by lobbyists of Tshisekedi’s government.


First of all, I wonder why you singled out only one rebel group, M23, as the cause of human suffering in eastern DRC when the region has more than 130 armed groups.


The border area of Bunagana that has been occupied by M23 rebels for more than three months is reported to be peaceful, ever since they took control.


It is shocking to see that you are condemning the only rebel movement that has agreements with the Congolese government signed under the auspices of the United Nations and witnessed by regional state organizations and governments. Unfortunately, the agreements were never implemented by the Congolese government, which is the cause of the current conflict between M23 and the Congolese government.


But have you wondered why the Kinshasa government refused to honour their commitment to the agreement with M23?  


By omission, or commission, your letter does not mention anything on terror groups like the FDLR, remnants of the perpetrators of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in 1994. The FDLR have caused havoc in DRC and have ambitions of attacking Rwanda to complete the genocide.


It is also well known that terror groups like FDLR, ADF, Mai Mai, and many others, are a bigger security threat to eastern DRC yet you decide to point a finger to only one rebel movement which is actually fighting for legitimate causes.   


Dear Senators,

You mentioned, in your letter, that since the beginning of this year,  2022, more than 700,000 people have been forced to flee their homes, with many civilian deaths.


“Human rights groups have tracked cases of torture, rape, and imprisoned civilians forcibly made to engage in cannibalism with their murdered fellow prisoners,” reads another part of your letter.


You seem to suggest that the violations of human rights mentioned above, were committed by M23, which is not the case.  To the contrary, since the beginning of the year, we witnessed gross violations as well as hate speech, torture and execution of Congolese people who speak the Kinyarwanda language (Rwandophones), while the world is silently watching.


Dear Senators,

The truth is; the hate speech and the killings are supported, in broad daylight, by top Congolese politicians, senior military and police officers, and leaders of the  Congolese civil society.   Why did you not raise your voices to ask US authorities to take action and protect Rwandophones when they were being targeted? 


It is my humble submission that your double standards on the situation in the east of my country is very dangerous and likely to fuel an already burning fire.


Dear Senators,

I am surprised that your letter conveniently remains silent about the recent Human Rights Watch (HRW) report published on October 18, two days before you wrote your letter to Secretary Blinken. The HRW report documents how the DRC army supplies arms to terror groups in eastern DRC, including FDLR, and recruits the same terror groups in its ranks to fight the M23. 


The report stated: “FDLR fighters have killed hundreds of civilians over the years in eastern DRC, at times hacked them to death with machetes or hoes, or burned them in their homes. The fighters have committed countless rapes and other acts of sexual violence.”  


Any peace loving soul in the great lakes region would expect your letter, in case it has any relevancy, to focus more on the unholy alliance between the DRC government and the armed terror groups wreaking havoc in eastern DRC.


It is hypocritical to see that you are speaking for a government which itself has legitimized and conscripted dangerous armed terror groups within its national army, when these groups are responsible for serious human rights violations.


As I write to you now, Congolese government forces (FARDC) are being accused by the local population in Minembwe/Mumarango area for setting ablaze their houses. This is done by soldiers of the Congolese army’s 12th military brigade.


Dear Senators,

Let me end by reminding you that your efforts are not in the interest of a peaceful resolution of the conflict between M23 and the Congolese government. It’s unfortunate to note that as US Senators you are relying on misinformation to push your government to take action against M23, a move that will not provide the right solution.


As you well, countries in the region have come together to find a lasting solution for the insecurity in eastern DRC. Please stop meddling and give them a chance to solve their own problems. Your interference will jeopardize this ongoing regional process.


Your support will be requested when necessary.




Janvier Kamitatu


Ituri Province - Democratic Republic of Congo



Hon. Antony Blinken- Secretary of State

Hon. Janet yallen- Secretary of the Treasury

U.S Department of State

US Senate

US Congress 
