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Open letter to the Belgian vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs


I am writing to you as a concerned Rwandan. I am writing on behalf of the widows, orphans and victims of FLN attacks in Nyabimata, South Western Rwanda. I read, with disbelief, your letter to the Rwandan authorities that expressed contempt of Rwanda's judicial independence and impartiality in the sentencing of Paul Rusesabagina, who was responsible for the attacks that left nine of our people dead, and many others wounded. 

Our dead loved ones will not be brought back to life. It was shocking to find that in your letter, you conveniently avoided mentioning the innocent people killed, or the widows and orphans. Instead, you chose to speak for Rusesabagina, concerned that “he did not benefit from a fair and equitable trial.” Let me remind you that Rusesabagina holding Belgian citizenship, or being your Hollywood made hero, does not make him a special person. He is not above the laws of Rwanda where he committed acts of terrorism.

On the issue of rights of defence, what I understand from your letter is that you only recognize that a fair trial would be delivered if, and only if, ‘your citizen’ was represented by a Belgian lawyer, or a white lawyer at that. And, if the prosecutor was probably also substituted with a Belgian. This smells of a racist mentality that represents a neo-colonial agenda. On matters of human rights, Belgium would be the last to stand up given its gross human rights record not only in Rwanda but in the entire Great Lakes Region during the colonial era. 

As a high level Belgian authority, you know very well that Rwandan lawyers cannot be allowed to practice in Belgium. However, because it would be convenient to ‘your citizen’, you wanted a Belgian lawyer, Vincent Lurquin, who was not accredited to practice in Rwanda! Calling this is double standards would be an understatement.

Your letter also shows complete disrespect of Rwanda as a sovereign state.  You did mention “repeated appeals from Belgium,” disregarding the fact that Rusesabagina’s case was before competent courts of law and your “repeated appeals” only served to interfere with the judicial process,  which I am certain you would not do in your country because it is against the law. Rwanda is not a jungle state. It is a country that abides by the rule of law and follows international norms and standards.

The Rwandan judiciary spoke on behalf of Rwandans, especially the victims of Rusesabagina’s terror attacks. Justice was served although the pain of loss will never go away. Rwandans are of the view that 25 years is a lenient sentence to someone who sponsored an armed terror group that killed innocent people.

When you write that “Belgium remains in close contact with Mr. Rusesabagina,” it sends the worst message to the people of Nyabimata. It shows that you are in total support of what Rusesabagina did and that you have no sympathy for the victims of his attacks! The widows and orphans will cry. And fellow Rwandans will wipe their tears. The Rwandan judiciary cannot deliver a judgment that will please foreigners and their vested interests.

I would also like to remind you that, for years, your government refused to cooperate with my country to extradite Rusesabagina. However, I do appreciate that the Belgian police cooperated with Rwandan prosecution in searching Rusesabagina’s home in Brussels.

In one of the phones belonging to Rusesabagina, Belgian police retrieved messages showing a list of military equipment and the prices. The list contained an assortment of military-grade materials including light weapons “1,000 AK47s and cartridges”, rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), missiles, and grenades, among others. “The prices are much lower should we opt to buy from either Russia or neighbouring countries like Ukraine…those with high prices are from France, UK, etc.,” a chat read in part. The Belgian Police handed over all this evidence to Rwandan prosecution, but still, you prefer to consider ‘your citizen’ innocent. 

Despite such incriminating evidence provided by the Belgian Police-aided search of Rusesabagina’s home, as well as evidence provided by America’s FBI on money transfers to terror groups, your letter leaves many Rwandans  speechless on the basis of petitioning Rwandan authorities calling into question the trial and judgment of  Rusesabagina. The lives of Rwandans who died due to Rusesabagina’s FLN attacks matter. Rusesabagina has the right to appeal and the privilege to be visited, while the families that lost their loved ones will always be mocked by your insensitive letter.

Deborah Mukamabano

Concerned Rwandan citizen


Ambassador of Rwanda to Belgium

Rwanda Minister of Foreign Affairs

Prime Minister of Belgium
