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Rwanda Uganda relations: Why is Museveni silent?


On January 22, Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba, senior presidential adviser on Special Operations and Commander of Land Forces of the Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF), was in Rwanda where he met with President Paul Kagame. The purpose of his visit was to discuss the Rwanda-Uganda relations that had strained for more than three years.

Following the meeting, Rwanda reopened the common border at Gatuna which had been closed since February 2019, due to the harassment, detention, torture and deportation of Rwandans in Uganda on allegations that they were spies.

Rwanda accused Uganda of supporting terror groups especially the Rwanda National Congress (RNC) led by fugitive Kayumba Nyamwasa. 

When Muhoozi returned to Kampala, Uganda conducted a mini reshuffle of its intelligence bureau, removing Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) head Maj-Gen Abel Kandiho. Kigali accused him of being behind the torture of Rwandans. Citizens on both sides showed excitement over the imminent resumption of trade ties and movement between Kigali and Kampala.  

On March 14, Muhoozi was in Kigali for the second time, for a three-day visit. Again, he met President Kagame. Muhoozi had, prior to the visit, tweeted that he would travel to Kigali “to solve all outstanding issues between Rwanda and Uganda.” Although there were no details of what the two discussed, the fact that President Kagame invited Muhoozi to his farm in the presence of family members and gifted him with cows, in African culture was enough expression of a friendly and peaceful atmosphere.

While commenting on Muhoozi’s first visit, former permanent secretary in Uganda’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs James Mugume said that Muhoozi’s diplomatic charm offensive carries more significance because of his access to the Ugandan leader.

“He can deliver a message unfiltered, and President Kagame receives it, trusting that this is the president’s son,” Mugume said.

President Kagame received Muhoozi on his visits to Rwanda, as Uganda’s senior presidential adviser on Special Operations. This means that Muhoozi is expected to report to President Museveni on issues at stake and what needs to be fixed to fully resuscitate Rwanda-Uganda relations.

Muhoozi is Museveni’s son.

Political analysts find it intriguing for President Museveni to be silent all this while. He has not mentioned anything on restoring Rwanda-Uganda relations, after his messenger reported back the outcome of discussions with the Rwandan President. “President Museveni is a communicator and uses his twitter account to communicate most of his official engagements. If Muhoozi has been acting on his behalf on Rwanda visits, it is not understandable why he has not mentioned a single word,” said a political analyst.

Other commentators wonder whether he is engaging in parallel diplomacy on a personal initiative, without the full blessing of his father. Since the opening of the Gatuna border, there are no new complaints of arrests and mistreatment of Rwandans travelling to Uganda. However, the biggest question – the RNC terror group’s cells operating in Uganda – is still a thorny issue that remains to be addressed.

On March 16, Rwanda Government spokesperson Yolande Makolo tweeted that, “despite all the positivity and progress of the 2nd visit to Kigali by Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Keinerugaba, there’s still need to pay attention to underlying unresolved issues, raised from the start, of known hostile persons bent on destabilizing Rwanda, still operating in Uganda.”

“Also pending is continued hateful media propaganda produced by Uganda-based individuals incl. Obed Katurebe aka RPF Gakwerere, Sula Nuwamanya, Gerald Tindifa, Robert Higiro, Asiimwe Kanamugire, etc. We patiently await action by Ugandan authorities on this unfinished business.”

Reliable sources reveal that most of the mentioned people are RNC agents, including one Prossy Boonabana who runs an NGO- Self-Worth- which coordinates mobilization and fundraising for RNC terror activities.

Commenting about discussions with Muhoozi after the first visit, president Kagame said their meeting was, “cordial, productive and forward looking discussions about Rwanda’s concerns and practical steps needed to restore the relationship between Rwanda and Uganda.”

As a matter of diplomatic courtesy, after President Kagame received President Museveni’s special envoy, a word from the latter on restoration of Rwanda-Uganda relations is much awaited to affirm the progress made so far. 
