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Rwandans are free to make their own choices


None of the “Western powers” from the Global North ever showed its “superiority” in stopping the mass killings that targeted the Tutsi from October 1990 to July 1994, until the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda was executed, claiming more than one million innocent people within 100 days.

Only the Rwandan Patriotic Front and its armed wing, RPA, put an end to the Genocide, and started the country’s transformational journey.

Unity and reconciliation made it possible for genocide perpetrators and survivors to live together in harmony, with a common understanding of rebuilding their nation. Those who committed genocide crimes were tried, and they served their sentences.

While the journey has restored hope for better and meaningful life to Rwandans, it looked like a “threat” in the minds of the Westerners. They would not imagine such an African country solving its problems without their intervention.

Several tactics were employed to deal with such a “threat” to the West’s interests. Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Freedom House, and recently, Forbidden Stories, are among the many political tools used to portray the Rwandan government as “a villain”, in a grand plan to undermine every achievement by Kigali.

The attacks on Rwanda by those so-called NGOs have born no fruits since Kigali opted to consider the choices of Rwandans over wishes or “lessons” from the West.

When Rwanda chose consensual democracy – avoiding confrontational democracy which often involves violence – the West’s “NGOs” complained that the country does not tolerate the opposition. 

Cleaning and securing the country was reported by Westerners as “the cost of censoring freedom of speech, and intimidating”. How would hygiene and environment conservation be linked to intimidation?

Being one of the UN’s top troop contributors, Rwanda’s peacekeeping missions through bilateral arrangements were depicted by Westerners as motivated by economic interests.

Rwanda is not exporting security in Mozambique and the Central African Republic. The country is simply exercising values and principles; namely the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and the Kigali Principles. The two are complementary and primarily focus on the protection of civilians at risk of loss of life.

That is the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) philosophy; one that is derived from the country’s history; a history of fighting genocide perpetrators and protecting civilians.

While Rwanda’s decision to find African solutions for Africa’s problems means a lot to the independence of the country and the continent in general, it is a log in the eyes of Westerners.

But Rwanda has decided to move on, regardless of all the fake narratives created by the West’s NGOs in a bid to tarnish the image of the Rwandan government. Kigali believes that the West cannot accept its success since the latter is not credited for it.

The case of Libya is among many others that highlighted how the Global North leaves no stone unturned to destroy any African country with independent solutions to its problems.

Former President of Libya was accused of being authoritarian, attacked by NATO forces, and killed in October 2011. Since then, Libya has experienced no peace. The economy collapsed after the infrastructure was destroyed. Today, Libyans are struggling to survive, while their leader had tremendously improved his people’s well-being.

West African countries have been struggling with the West’s interference in their internal politics, leading to recurrent coups.

Rwanda, a stable country which invested more in avoiding external influence in its politics, envisions a brighter future by only satisfying the wishes of its people.
