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The story claiming Rwandan intelligence operatives arrest in Uganda is a deception


The Chieftaincy of Military intelligence (CMI) through its propaganda online publication known as SoftPower, today August 16,  ran a story with an alarming headline, “Four Rwandan intelligence operative arrested in Uganda.” Despite the alarming claims, the story authored by Mivule Gyagenda, displays two Rwandan Identity cards of one Mugabo Justin and Uwimana Egidie claimed to be Mugabo’s wife, as well as   a demobilization card for Mugabo. There is no evidence whatsoever that links Mugabo and Egidie to Rwandan intelligence service. Although the headline claims arrest of four people the author prefers to show the identity a man and wife. 

As if this was not enough fiction, CMI goes on to claim that, “In yet another shocking development, SoftPower News, has exclusively learnt that security on Friday arrested four Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) soldiers in Kyazanga town council in Lwengo District. Security also arrested a number of their collaborators in the same area.”  

A security analyst in Kigali asked to comment about the issue laughed at the wild claim.  “It is laughable and unbelievable how Uganda can arrest RDF soldiers and keeps silent until a bogus online publication run by CMI “exclusively” breaks the news!” These are the usual fictitious stories of an incompetent intelligence system in Uganda under Brig. Gen. Abel Kandiho, he observed.  

If Mugabo served in RDF and was demobilized, CMI mouthpiece does not prove how he is linked to Rwanda intelligence. Mugabo is not the only demobilized RDF who lives in Uganda. There are many who still have their families in Uganda and decided to join them after their service, while others are in Uganda where they own businesses. They are ordinary citizens who cannot be linked to Rwandan intelligence or RDF. That is why they do not hide to travel with their Identity and demobilization cards. To claim that their Rwanda identities were concealed is outrageous.

The East African Community integration allows people to widen and deepen economic, political, social and cultural integration in order to improve the quality of life of the people of East Africa. Uganda has frustrated this integration process by arresting Rwandans found on their soil. Raising an alarm that a Rwandan demobilized soldier was found in Uganda does not only beat logic, but also against free movement of people in the region.   

More fiction by CMI in Mivule Gyagenda’s story claims that, “Prior to this, a joint operation by Uganda’s security had busted a Rwandan intelligence cell that was operating in Kibuye near Kampala under the cover of a church organization, cracking down on at least 40 members. The arrested members were later reported to be members of the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS), a Rwandan intelligence agency.”

Whoever reads this understands how CMI fails even to tell a lie that can pass as smart to be believed. “How can Rwanda intelligence agents operate like a swam of bees, 40 of them in a church? Why were they not charged in courts of law for espionage?” asked a security analyst in Kigali. This is professionally and logically impossible, concluded the security analyst. 

These are the usual unprofessional methods of CMI where all innocent Rwandans found in Uganda are branded Rwanda Intelligence operatives. Uganda has never produced any evidence against Rwandans arrested and tortured in safe houses to prove that they are “Rwandan spies.”

However, what is known is that most of the Rwandans arrested are those who refuse to be recruited in Rwanda National Congress (RNC) of Kayumba Nyamwasa. The old fiction story of “40 operatives” found in Kubuye church  are the innocent Rwandans we continue to see being dumped at the Rwanda-Uganda border after gruesome torture ordeals in safe houses. They are released in small groups at a time without any charges.

The SoftPower story regurgitates old claims of Rwandan intelligence cells operating in Uganda, without any tangible evidence to support the wild allegations. The Pegasus concocted story by western media has been discredited and challenged by the manufacturers of the software by categorically pointing out that Rwanda is not among their clients.

The Rwandan Minister of foreign affairs clarified that   “Rwanda does not use this software system, as previously confirmed in November 2019, and does not possess this technical capability in any form,” Biruta further  said, “These false accusations are part of an ongoing campaign to cause tensions between Rwanda and other countries, and to sow disinformation about Rwanda domestically and internationally.”

CMI continued harassment of Rwandans in Uganda and recycling of old fictitious allegations does not help in restoring Rwanda- Uganda relations. It rather shows Uganda’s persistent plan to continue destabilizing Rwanda. 
