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Tshisekedi’s coalition government breaking apart


Disputes between DRC's President Felix Tshisekedi (left) and President of the National Assembly Vital Kamerhe (right) escalated.

Internal wrangles within the presidential coalition in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Union sacrée are intensifying as President Felix Tshisekedi sets a new cabinet that will help him govern in his second term while preparing to stay in power after 2028.

Sources from Union Sacrée confirmed that despite being candidate of the presidential coalition, after Vital Kamerhe was elected President of the National Assembly on May 22, members of the ruling party, UDPS, including Tshisekedi are not happy with him.

“Kamerhe wants to run for president in 2028, and as President of the National Assembly he cannot allow Tshisekedi to amend the Constitution in his favor,” explained a source in Kinshasa who preferred anonymity.

Tshisekedi has been trying his best to amend the Constitution that limits presidential terms to two.

Even though Kamerhe was candidate of Union Sacrée, Tshisekedi wanted Christophe Mboso to win Kamerhe’s position, but Mboso became Vice-President.

According to different sources in Kinshasa, a large number of UDPS members wished Mboso to be the President of the National Assembly, as he is loyal to Tshisekedi.

Now Tshisekedi is standing on the fence after the ‘Coup’ drama to eliminate Kamerhe failed on May 19.

Sources also revealed that Kamerhe wants courts to launch investigations on former Finance Minister Nicolas Kazadi and former Defense Minister, now Transport and Communication Minister Jean-Pierre Bemba over alleged embezzlement. The move increased pressure on leaders from Union Sacrée, and intensified hate against Kamerhe.   

So far, what Tshisekedi’s new government is heading into is unpredictable. But, it is most likely that some Congolese politicians will end up losing their lives, if not ending up unjustifiably behind bars, for Tshisekedi to stay in power.
