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Tshisekedi’s incapacity to control ruling party highlights his leadership failures


Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi pictured addressing UN General Assembly.

Internal wrangles among the leaders of the ruling UDPS party in the Democratic Republic of Congo have reached a peak but President Felix Tshisekedi is silently observing from a distance, unconcerned, as divisions in his political party stretch to mobilization for hostilities.

Since the beginning of the year, there were differences in UDPS’ top officials. The situation was worsened by the dismissal of party Secretary General Augustin Kabuya in early August, when he was temporarily replaced by Deo Bizibu Balola who was serving as his deputy in charge of political and administrative issues.

The past eight months have seen the former two top leaders of UDPS disagreeing on every decision.

While Kabuya was accused of incompetence, corruption, and nepotism, UDPS insiders say that Tshisekedi is unhappy with him because of his comments on addressing what is really happening in eastern DRC.

Kabuya said that Tshisekedi’s incompetence led to the deterioration of the conflict in the east.

Replacing Kabuya with Bizibu who originates from Bukavu, South Kivu Province, is calculated by Tshisekedi as a means to win hearts and minds in eastern DRC where the President has constantly failed to restore security.

As Bizibu readies to take the wheels of the party, on August 10, Kabuya has prepared his armada of fighters to combat for control of UDPS headquarters at 10th Limete Street, in Kinshasa.

People in DRC’s capital are in panic over a possible deadly confrontation between the two antagonists.

Tshisekedi is sowing chaos to cover his incompetence. Sources say that Tshisekedi plotted for Kabuya’s dismissal two months earlier. However, it was announced by UDPS’ Democratic Convention without any visible indication that the president was in the decision.

Even as tensions escalate between pro-Kabuya and pro-Bizibu members of the UDPS, Tshisekedi remains silent.

This begs one more question: how would Tshisekedi deliver his promises to the Congolese citizens when he is even unable to settle the escalating disputes within his own party?

It is safe to say that Tshisekedi is gaining from the prolonged chaos within UDPS. The president creates every situation that would divert public attention from his failures. He is very criticized for failing to solve the security crisis in eastern DRC after more than five years in office.

Regional observers believe that Tshisekedi’s continued silence on disputes between Kabuya and Bizibu supporters is likely to cause violence in Kinshasa, with his knowledge.
