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Tshisekedi governs DRC on auto pilot mode


The Democratic Republic of Congo is endowed with many natural resources, so much that it is often referred to as one of the richest countries on earth. 


However, due to a leadership vacuum that got worse during the reign of President Felix Tshisekedi, the country further sunk into poverty and is now considered one of the poorest countries in the world.


The President and his cabal of cronies now suffer from acute amnesia and the country runs in auto-pilot mode. At the beginning of his presidency, Tshisekedi seemed to have some substantial leadership difficulties. 


To analysts, it was an expected transition, as the new president had not been in any leadership position. And he had just inherited the country’s top position under murky circumstances that might have surprised him just as it was an astonishment to many across the world. 


At the time, his closest ally was Vital Kamerhe, a man who doubled as his mentor. With his credentials, Kamerhe seemed to have understood what the country needed to get on track toward sound development. 


However, the promising move was short lived. The two fell out immediately and have recently rekindled their relationship, albeit under dubious circumstances.


Tshisekedi came to power in what was certainly the biggest shock of his life, and he quickly found himself with a heavy task at hand. He could not constitute government as easily as all his predecessors. He demanded for help including from his neighboring counterparts and was eventually facilitated to have a government in place.


But, he quickly messed it all up as soon as he woke up to the realisation that he was actually the President of the country. 


His current minister of economy, Kamerhe, was charged with corruption in April 2020 and was incarcerated in the Makala Prison. Two months later, he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 20 years of forced labour for embezzling over $48 million from public cofers. 


However, in a twist of events, he was absolved of the criminal charges for which he was convicted. In 2023, he bounced back as Vice Premier and Minister of Economy.


No one knows the whereabouts of the $48 million he admitted to swindling. The notorious truth is that his acquittal totally ignord his crimes and the money was never returned in the public coffers. 


The decision of the President to get him back and to reward him with his current position could only suggest a thoughtful amnesia and probably a new dawn for his administration's fiascos.  


After months of trying to adapt to the new normal of his boss, Kamerhe proved to have been a superb learner of the theatric behavior that now characterizes Tshisekedi’s government. 


His past months’ curriculum must have comprised some heavy chapters on how to blame Rwanda for every failures of DRC and how to contradict oneself against all historical and current facts in total ignorance of available records. He also had to learn how to keep a sober face against awkwardness each time they publicly display their self-induced amnesia against truth. 


While in India, his first rehearsal of Tshisekedi’s blame game script was a misadventure to Kamerhe who completely shamed himself, thanks to his easily accessible records that substantiate his lies. 


Kamerhe is on record articulating the historical mistakes committed by his country, then under Mobutu Sese Seko leadership, which he accused of collaborating with Rwandan genocidal forces - at the time called ALIR. He also stated that the group of genocidaires were using his country to regroup with an aim of returning to Rwanda to complete the work they had left unfinished - exterminating the Tutsi.


Kamerhe’s statements in India point to some appalling ideological bankruptcy and thus erase any hope in the current leadership of DRC. It supported the argument that DRC is a country on auto-pilot, left to survive at the mercy of God until its gets better leadership. 


All in all, facts remain stubborn and are on record to be verified. Rwanda should and will never be responsible for the administration of DRC.


The leadership failure of DRC should be owned by Congolese leaders. They should be the ones to look for a way out of their country’s mayhem. 
