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UBUDASA: Rwanda’s collective identity?


UBUDASA a Kinyarwanda word which translated directly means uniqueness or distinction has been found to be a fundamental characteristic of Rwandans. Developed countries are known for running big economies with modern infrastructure, science, and advanced technologies.

Rwanda, a small country with GDP of $10.63 billion is known for its unique ways of solving its developmental challenges with ambition and excellence despite its limited fiscal space.

UBUDASA has led for Rwanda to be seen as an outlier among African countries and beyond. This concept dates back in our history where the country was colonized by super-powers who however had little success in abolishing Rwandan administrative structures and cultural values.

Despite their invasion, Rwandans kept their single language and even when one segment of the society was banished from the country, they kept the same values where they sought refuge.

Indanga gaciro z’abanyarwanda na kirazira remained the catalyst of unity among Rwandans and defined their identity for more than 50 years in exile. The Ubudasa principle has steadily gained traction and has been embraced by Rwandans becoming a symbol of unity and remains a distinctive characteristic of Rwanda’s collective identity.

It is therefore significant to draw a positive correlation between Rwanda’s success as a model nation of excellence globally with an explicit recognition that draws on its Ubudasa cultural and social values.

No country in recent history has suffered loss of innocent lives and mass destruction like Rwanda did in 1994 Genocide against Tutsi. The whole world abandoned Rwanda because the circumstance did not fit the urgency to save Rwandans and to stop the Genocide.

Rwandans however denied abusing their moral responsibility and got the courage to fight on their own to save lives and restore humanity.  The journey of Rwanda’s resurrection is a miracle that gives the world hope that even after such a tragedy, there is always a window of opportunity to start a new and successful beginning.

Rwanda’s power of winning when nothing is left to build on is defined by UBUDASA, a unique virtue backed with visionary leadership that has set the stage in shaping Rwanda the new paradise, stable and strong state.

Rwanda’s fate in 1994 was incomparable to any country or a people because it was unique and only required a distinctive approach to address the issue. The art of UBUDASA facilitated Rwandans in making their own choices by redefining who they are, where they want to go and how to achieve this goal. This is the cultural value on which Rwanda is built today.

Rwanda’s approach to solving issues facing them is unique and how they deal with it follows their own response modalities that surpass external and conventional systems.

UBUDASA deeply characterized Rwanda’s liberation struggle. Rwandans in exile from all over the places joined forces to fight for their destiny and put an end to banishment by the bad leadership of the past. Liberating the country and stopping the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi was achieved through the power of resilience and the spirit of perseverance of the Rwanda Patriotic Army currently known as the Rwanda Defence Force.

The Genocide taught Rwandans a lesson that the world has no protector and thus the duty fell on them to protect their people and deal with post-conflict challenges. The magnitude of the post conflict challenges were immense that no value of aid or donation could have met the needs of Rwandans by then.

Only UBUDASA shaped the minds and approach to which Rwanda found solutions to these issues. The liberation was a rebirth of a nation with a whole new governance approach to establishing a country of one people. The art of UBUDASA gave Rwandans many reasons to forgive each other, work together for one common good and live together peacefully leaving behind their past.

This milestone has never been a best practice borrowed from any country but found to be the best choice for Rwandans and has proved to be the best alternative for a unified nation.

The concept of UBUDASA also affirms Rwanda’s spirit of embracing homegrown solutions which are localized instruments of governance, economic development and social inclusion that have had immense impact on the country’s development path, a great attribute to UBUDASA.

Examples of successful models adopted from Rwanda’s culture and history include Gacaca Courts, Umuganda, Imihigo performance systems, Ubudehe, Girinka programme, Abunzi, Abanjyanama b’ubuzima, Umushikirano and Umwiherero.

Rwanda’s new leadership and governance ethics introduced by the Government of Rwanda led by His Excellence President Paul Kagame enhanced accountable systems, increased citizen participation in the development process ensuring each voice is heard and equally participates in solving problems facing society.

The economic and social integration strategies have been consistent and impactful in the development of Rwanda. Good governance has been a key driver to this success. Inclusive economic development, and socially-oriented policies such as free universal 12 years basic education, universal health insurance, social protection frameworks and above all building a stable, safe and peaceful nation.

The outcome to this approach is the social contract built on TRUST and CONSESUS between the government and Rwandans. A sense of responsibility has been built among Rwandans ensuring that they are at the forefront of finding solutions to their problems instead of waiting for someone else to resolve them.

To add the many examples of UBUDASA is the country’s response to Covid-19 pandemic, its effects on the lives of Rwandans and the economy in general.

The drivers for Rwanda’s success on achieving these results were majorly established on the existing effective health systems, operational governance structures, the level of coordination and the trust of government by Rwandans but mostly the citizens abiding to the COVID-19 regulations and mutual support to the poorest affected more by the pandemic.

Another great example of UBUDASA is Rwanda’s commitment to peace and stability in the region. A country which suffered Genocide while the world was watching has taken up a great responsibility to protect civilians upholding the moral significance of humanity which is fundamental to build collective hope of the African continent and beyond. By this, Rwanda champions the implementation of the Kigali Principles, an international commitment to the protection of civilians in conflict situations and Vancouver principles on the prevention of the recruitment and use of children as soldiers in situations of armed conflict.

The country has contributed to not only protecting civilians but also building peace in countries like Sudan, South Sudan, Central Africa Republic, Haiti and Mozambique among others.

Ubudasa has been a unifying factor for Rwandans, a catalyst for development growth and a significance in restoring Rwanda’s identity. For Rwandans, we believe that each one of us has played a unique role in shaping our history to a new beginning which is building an equal society that is peaceful and excelling in economic and social dynamics. We therefore have the duty to maintain and protect what has been achieved. 

Source: www.newtimes.co.rw 
