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UN Secretary General condemns killing of Rwandan peacekeeper in CAR


The UN Secretary-General has called for action to ensure accountability for “heinous attacks” in the Central African Republic (CAR) on Wednesday, January 13, that left a Rwandan peacekeeper dead and another wounded.

Antonio Guterres strongly condemned the coordinated assaults near the capital, Bangui, which were carried out by members of a rebel coalition intent on disrupting efforts towards peace in the country.

The UN mission in the country, MINUSCA, earlier reported that some armed elements were killed, while others were arrested and weapons seized.

 “The Secretary-General recalls that attacks against United Nations peacekeepers may constitute a war crime,” his spokesperson, Stéphane Dujarric, said in a statement.

“The UN chief has called on the authorities to take all the necessary measures to ensure accountability for these heinous attacks.”

Rwanda mourns but remains committed to protecting civilians in CAR

Far away in Rwanda’s capital, Kigali, the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) said it “is deeply saddened by the death of a Rwandan peacekeeper” serving under MINUSCA following an attack by elements opposed to the peace process.

The Rwandan army expressed its heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the fallen peacekeeper.

But it vowed to remain committed to the protection of civilians in the Central African Republic.

“RDF peacekeepers remain committed to the protection of civilians within the mandate of MINUSCA, and the other peacekeeping missions under which our troops serve,” a statement read.

Rwanda is a key troop contributor to the UN Mission in CAR. Last December, the Rwandan government also deployed “force protection troops” to CAR, under a bilateral agreement on defense.

Besides Kigali, Russia also sent in hundreds of troops, to help the armed forces of recently reelected President Faustin-Archange Touadéra.

Attacks repelled

Wednesday’s attack was repelled by the peacekeepers, together with the Central African armed forces, Vladimir Monteiro, the MINUSCA spokesperson, said in a statement.

“MINUSCA strongly condemns the attacks by the anti-Balaka, UPC, 3R and MPC coalition armed groups and their political allies, including former President François Bozizé,” Monteiro said. 

“The Mission holds them responsible for the consequences of this violence on the civilian population and stresses that attacks against peacekeepers can be considered as war crimes and prosecuted.”

The Secretary-General also expressed concern over continued destabilization efforts by armed groups in the CAR.

He called on all parties to stop violence and engage in meaningful dialogue, and underlined the UN’s commitment to ongoing peace efforts.
