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Uganda continues to facilitate RNC recruitment under the cover of an organization called “Community Service Farmers.”


Rwanda National Congress (RNC) a terror group led by Kayumba Nyamwasa continues to get support from the government of Uganda to recruit rebels with the purpose of attacking the territory of Rwanda. Reliable sources told this website that RNC in its efforts to destabilize Rwanda, a new organization known as “Community Service Farmers” has been created and coordinated by Frank Ntwari a known RNC operative stationed in Uganda.

RNC with the support of Ugandan Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI), are using the organization as a cover up, to carry out mobilization and recruitment, in the guise of providing services to farmers in rural areas. RNC activities in Uganda are supervised by CMI chief Brigadier Abel Kandiho and with full blessing of his boss president Yoweri Museveni.   

In the past few weeks, the organization intensified its activities in Bunyoro sub-region in areas of Hoima and kakumiro. In the home of one SAME Faidha located in Mitoma, Kakumiro, another CMI operative Agaba Apollinaire who chaired the meeting that was attended by 70 RNC members assured the participants that they had full security provided by  the Uganda government specifically by CMI.

Agaba informed RNC members that for their mobilization activities, they will have to use the cover of a registered company called COMMUNITY SERVICE FARMERS (the organization pretends to be engaged in the business of buying crops from farmers and selling them for profit) whereas its actual work is mobilization and recruitment of RNC members.  The organization also collects contributions from members in other parts of Uganda as well as getting crops from farmers to sustain their military training activities.

The meeting in Kakumiro also took note of the arrangements by RNC members in Uganda to conduct a church service in Bugolobi-Kampala in commemoration of Kizito Mihigo, after which a press briefing would be conducted.  Another plan by RNC Uganda chapter to hold demonstrations at the Rwanda High Commission in Kampala flopped following the refusal by Uganda police to grant them permission.

This website has also previously brought to you news regarding the activities of another RNC cover up organization originally called Self-Worth Initiative run by Prossy Bonabaana as the National Coordinator and Chief Executive Officer assisted  by Sulah Nuwamanya wa Kabirigi. The organization was later renamed Self-Worth Development Initiative (SWDI) and it is also actively supporting RNC activities meant to destabilize Rwanda as well as  coordinating the arrest of Rwandans in Uganda. Prossy and Nuwamanya are notorious CMI operatives who report to Col. C.K. Asiimwe.

It should be remembered that Ugandan Minister of Foreign Affairs Sam Kuteesa had informed Rwanda  that the de- registration of Self-Worth Initiative had been  done “on March 12,2020,  officially announced in the official gazette on March 16, 2020, and on the following day, March 17, 2020, the Government of Rwanda was officially informed.” This turned out to be an empty lie as the organization resurfaced with the same purpose. It is not surprising therefore, that other organizations to facilitate RNC activities meant to destabilize Rwanda are being created with full support of Uganda’s security organs especially CMI.

We also brought to you news of how on  January 23, eleven  RNC members recruited by Prossy Bonabana and Sula Nuwamanya - two senior leaders of the terror outfit in Uganda - completed a week long cadre ship training conducted through video conferencing at Bugolobi, in Kampala. 

The new cadres were commissioned in the presence of Col. Bernard Tugume of CMI. The Colonel is the man in charge of RNC support in Uganda. We also informed how more such cadreship intakes were expected to follow since RNC was promised full support during Museveni’s campaigns.

Again on the same date at Kibijjo Primary School in Kakumiro Municipality, 10 RNC members conducted a meeting chaired by one Emmanuel Munyaneza, alias Richard Ugirase. The participants were thankful for the re-election of Museveni who promised to support their subversive activities aimed at overthrowing the Government of Rwanda. They dedicated two days of prayers to thank God for Museveni’s re-election.

These are clear indications that Uganda has continued to support subversive activities meant to destabilize Rwanda and has no interest in implementing the Luanda Memorandum of Understanding aimed at normalizing  relations between the two countries.
