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Uganda continues to sponsor RNC in their plans to attack Rwanda


Major Habib Mudathiru (seated in front) and 31 other RNC fighters who were recruited in Uganda. They ended up in DRC, and later captured by the Congolese army and handed over to Rwanda.

Uganda has not ceased to provide sanctuary and support to Rwanda National Congress (RNC), a terror group led by Kayumba Nyamwasa in their futile dream to attack Rwanda and overthrow the legitimate government. Reliable sources informed our website that on February 22, 2021, at Kyirijjo Primary School in Kyirijjo trading centre, Kakumiro District, RNC members conducted a meeting to discuss a number of issues including setting up stores to collect food stuffs, recruitment of both civilian members and those to join military training, purchase of military uniform and organizing families of combatants for repatriation to Rwanda once the war is over.

The RNC members in the meeting were presented the resolutions of a regional meeting that took place in Mitoma Parish,  Mwitanzige sub-county in Kakumiro District on 16 February, 2021,  which was chaired by one Munyaneza Emmanuel aka Ugirase Richard. Top on the agenda was the setting up of food stores which will be used as collecting centres of grain food stuffs contributed by RNC members. One of the RNC members known as Byamukama, a businessman dealing in food stuffs in Kinena trading center was appointed as the treasurer. Members were instructed to start making contributions from their last harvest season. Each member must contribute a minimum of 50kg of maize, 30 kg of beans and a cash contribution of 10,000 Ug Shs.

The recruitment exercise of RNC soldiers as well as civilian members is being conducted in all parts of the country especially in refugee camps, the source further revealed to our website. The army recruits are required to buy their own jackets, T-shirts and gum boots, while the civilian new members must present their passport photographs for registration. RNC members with no occupation were tasked to find casual jobs so that they can make financial contributions to support their armed wing. This recruitment drive is supervised by Ugandans intelligence machinery led by the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) led by Brigadier General Abel Kandiho.  

Kayumba Nyamwasa with his sponsor Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni seem to be desperate because their plans to destabilise Rwanda have not materialised for a long time. In order to reap more money from their members, those who have property like houses and plots of land have been asked to sell them and contribute the money to RNC, so that when they go to war to fight against the government of Rwanda, they remain with nothing behind.

One commentator laughed at how ignorant people are being fooled and tricked to sell their property just to satisfy the greed of Kayumba Nyamwasa by contributing large sums of money to keep him and his family in luxurious comfort in South Africa and to finance his business empire.  Sibomana Pierre and Munyaneza Emmanuel who are the leaders of RNC in Kyirijjo in a cell known as IMBUMBYI Y’ABARASHI have already sold their property to lead by example.

Women whose husbands were recruited in the RNC army were asked to prepare to shift their families near the border with Rwanda during the planned war so that it will be easy to repatriate them immediately once the war is over. What a fantasy! Kayumba Nyamwasa like his sponsor Museveni is a power hungry man whose greed has blinded his reasoning and continues to take hostage young men to go and die in RDC jungles. In his selfishness, RNC captured fighters say they had never seen Kayumba in the RDC jungles neither had they seen his sons and daughters. He is a remote control commander earning easy money from poor peasants and his sponsors.

Our commentator once again wondered as to when Kayumba himself will sell his property, when in the actual fact the contributions got from members help him to acquire more property and live in comfort.  It is not the first time his RNC army has been wiped out in RDC as narrated by those who were captured by the Congolese army and handed over to Rwanda, like Major Habib Mudathiru and 31 others.   Watch this space for more development on Uganda’s long plan to destabilise Rwanda by sponsoring Kayumba Nyamwasa’s RNC terror group.  
