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Uhuru Kenyatta whips Mt Kenya region to reject William Ruto support Raila Odinga


President Uhuru Kenyatta has officially kicked off political divorce proceedings with his Deputy William Ruto and has now endorsed Opposition leader Raila Odinga.

Concerned by the political rebellion and defiance against him by his erstwhile stronghold and a surge of popularity by his deputy, Uhuru asked his people to listen to him. 

The President who faced over 5,000 delegates at Sagana State Lodge and determined to clip Ruto's wings in the region, accused his deputy of corruption, deception, and untrustworthiness and said he is not a better option for Mt Kenya region and for the whole country.

Using his local dialect, the President who did not allow any elected leader or aspiring candidate to address his meeting probably to get enough airtime to deconstruct the DP, noted that Ruto had sabotaged and undermined his administration and should not find favour in the electorate hearts.

"At one time he was the Minister for Agriculture and most factories were closed thanks to Munya who is opening and reviving the agriculture sector," the President said.

He claimed Ruto who he gave half of the government has been using the opportunity to steal from public coffers and taking the huge cash to churches. He also called out the spiritual leaders for allegedly confusing their flock because of “ill-gotten money."

"Church should also not lie to our people we are also peace lovers and we give our tithes and sacrifices but don't accept money stolen from public coffers and then you come to lie to us. It is you who is heading to Jehanum because the money was meant for Elgeyo Marakwet dams. You better take Sh100 than rotten Sh1 million," unbound Uhuru said.

Showing his true colours and using the phrase such as "kunyamaza sio uoga'' (silence is not cowardice) Uhuru challenged those in his camp to boldly face the rebellious youth in the region and remind them where the country is coming from and encouraged them to endure heckling from the 'brainwashed and radicalized youth'

"Elected leaders should not fear those that elected them, our people are not fools they will boo you today but tomorrow they will realize the magnitude of what you told them," Uhuru said.

At the same time, the President who seemed aware that he was losing grip on the region that once called him Muthamaki and Kamwana gaitu (king and our son) reminded them how he personally intervened on behalf of the community.

"At one time, I dug from my pockets and from friends to save our community when we were being chased from our lands, the BBI was all about Mt Kenya region and I was open to Ruto on every engagement between me and Raila," he disclosed.

He said his interest has always been his community and was not pushing the Raila Presidency as has always been perpetuated by Ruto and his lieutenants.

The President lashed out at those who claimed the Jubilee party was dead, saying he was busy initiating development projects. On the mushrooming of fringe political parties in the region, Uhuru had one plea to all of them.

"A house divided is a house built on a quicksand but a house united shall live to fight another day. I have no problem with small parties and I will not fight them but let us unite and form a government and protect what is ours. Let us not go alone since we will not reach our destination," Uhuru pleaded.

There are about eight political parties in Mt Kenya region that have been trying to cut a niche and position in succession politics.

Seeking to buttress his achievements in the region, the President who had carried with him Andrew Wakahiu, Secretary of the Presidential Delivery Unit outlined what the government had done to Mt Kenya region in a bid to demystify claims that Uhuru had neglected the region.

From Mwea Irrigation scheme, Thiba dam, issuance of title deeds and stadiums, Wakahiu said Uhuru's government has done what no other President had has done.

He also said the handshake between Uhuru and Raila had accelerated development projects and slammed Ruto and his allies for spreading rumours that the pact had slowed down the development projects.

Using huge figures through video stories to illustrate what the Jubilee government has done to Mt Kenya region, Wakahiu maintained that Ruto had nothing to do with the projects and insisted that it was Uhuru's doing to initiate the projects.

And after two hours of continuous talking Uhuru said. "Support Raila, a man seated is able to see very far compared to a lad climbing on a tree, I chose to sit with Raila...For now, support Raila in future if Ruto mends his ways, we may support him."

The President's mission to clip Ruto wings comes eve as the Jubilee party plans for a busy week ahead. The party is expected to hold its National Delegates Council to ratify its coalition agreement with Azimio la Umoja. ODM will also hold its NDC.

His remarks set the stage for a bruising political battle against his deputy in a bid to reclaim his space and influence in his region which he fights to rule even after the expiry of his term.

Gatanga MP Nduati Ngugi has disclosed that after the President's meeting, the strategy is to go to the ground to spread the gospel.

"Ruto betrayed Uhuru and has all along been lying to our region. His fundraiser which he lied that he was sent by Uhuru was money from public coffers, this is the message we are taking to the electorate," Nduati said.

Former Presidential aspirant Peter Kenneth has arranged a series of meetings in the region with grassroots leaders who will be debriefed on how to package the message to the last mile.

"Ruto underestimated Uhuru and claimed that he is a lame duck, he has been pretending to be his friend while in the region but has been hurling insults while outside the region, he will now feel the heat," Kenneth said on the sidelines of Sagana Three meeting. Will the region listen and adhere to his king and fold back to his grip? Time will tell.

