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Umushyikirano has been Rwanda’s backbone for socio economic development


The annual National Dialogue Council, or Umushyikirano, is back, convening thousands of Rwandans including leaders and representatives of the Rwandan community abroad, civil society organizations, and the media, to discuss the state of the nation, review the country's progress and shape the future.

Governed by article 168 of the Constitution, Umushyikirano is a forum where participants debate issues relating to the state of the nation, the state or functioning of the decentralized structures, and national unity.

Umushyikirano was first held in 2003. Ever since, it has been held as a custom.

Themed ‘dialogue on Rwanda's development, unity, and youth empowerment,’ the upcoming Umushyikirano comes as the country prepares to hold presidential and parliamentary elections on July 15.

Being one of Rwanda’s home-grown solutions, Umushyikirano has increasingly become a popular platform as it offers an opportunity for citizens and their leaders to openly discuss development programmes while identifying and eliminating the bottlenecks to promote efficiency.

Umushyikirano has been a catalyst that helped key government programmes, such as Girinka, Ubudehe, Imihigo, Umuganda, universal health insurance, Gacaca courts, Abunzi and access to justice bureaus, remain on track.

The latest Umushyikirano will review progress of Rwanda’s development, unity and youth empowerment and efforts to empower young Rwandans to lead national transformation.

Umushyikirano created a spirit of ownership for national development programmes, with the view to increasingly make Rwanda less dependent on foreign aid and ultimately achieve economic self-sufficiency.

There has been notable improvement with regard to the role of internally generated revenues in the financing of the national budget in recent years.

Over the past three decades, Rwandans have not only gotten a new lease of life, but also enough reason to hope for a prosperous future for their country.

Rwanda made great strides to enhance unity and reconciliation amongst its people as well as profound developments to enhance and promote the reconstruction process of the nation.

The country had a troubled past caused by bad leadership which promoted divisionism among Rwandans. After the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, the RPF-led government challenged the decades of divisionism and managed to unite Rwandans and help in reconciliation.

Rwanda has begun harvesting the dividends of its policy on unity and reconciliation. Across the country, rural and urban communities live together in harmony and with more mutual respect than ever before.

Thanks to the discussions during Umushyikirano, among others, the government increased the number of hospitals, health centers and health posts, so as to facilitate access to health care.

There are more than 510 health centers, 1,245 health posts as well as 56 hospitals. Rwanda continues to take huge steps forwards. German biotechnology company, BioNTech, in December 2023, unveiled its first African site in Rwanda’s capital, Kigali, as part of the firm’s efforts to facilitate the production of mRNA vaccines.

With it, Rwanda, and Africa, will have one of the most advanced manufacturing facilities in the world.
