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Why does French media mislead the world on M23 issue?


Ahead of the UN General Assembly’s In New York, on September 18, 2022, António Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, was interviewed by RFI’s Christophe Boisbouvier, and France 24’s Marc Perelman.


They tackled a number of world issues; from the Russia-Ukraine issue to climate change and the insecurity in the east of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Clearly, the two French journalists had done their homework, and did not waste an opportunity to advance their anti-Rwanda agenda, backing baseless accusations that Rwanda is responsible for the insecurity in eastern DRC.


Addressing the issue of protests against MONUSCO in DRC, the UN chief said the Congolese have a perspective that the UN forces are capable of fighting the militia groups and provide protection to them. However, he noted that they (UN) are in a difficult situation, giving the example of M23 which he described as being the cause of the recent protests.

As noted, MONUSCO is unable to fight M23 because the latter is a ‘modern army’, with heavy weapons, more sophisticated than the UN mission.


“Do those equipments come from Rwanda?” asked RFI’s Boisbouvier.


The UN chief tactically avoided the question, saying that they come from “somewhere,” because they are not made in the forest. Guterres offered no further explanations on the matter.


“You seem to be saying yes and confirming that they come from ‘next door’” pushed his co-host.


To no one’s surprise the two journalists did not interrogate any further, wrapping the interview on that note. They were satisfied. But such ploys are not new. For years, French media is known for giving a platform to numerous Genocide deniers, and advancing the double genocide theory. Their latest campaign of denial and continued infliction of moral pain takes additional creative forms through the alleged Rwandan support of M23 rebels.


Nobody needs to remind the two journalists the basics of ethical journalism – truth, accuracy, fairness and impartiality, which should have been applied when questioning Guterres.


If the M23 is the root cause of the insecurity in eastern DRC, like Guterres implied, why did they not question him on the failed implementation of numerous peace agreements signed by the DRC government?


One of the agreements signaled amnesty to all M23 fighters who did not commit war crimes and crimes against humanity, registration of the M23 as a legitimate political party, and repatriation of Congolese refugees sheltered in camps in Rwanda and Uganda.


On June 18, 2019, the UN Secretary General launched a Strategic Action Plan against Hate Speech.


He said: “Hate speech is in itself an attack on tolerance, inclusion, diversity and the very essence of our human rights, norms and principles. More broadly, it undermines social cohesion, erodes shared values, and can lay the foundation for violence, setting back the cause of peace, stability, sustainable development, and the fulfillment of human rights for all.”


Hate speech fueled by genocidaires is targeting Rwandophones and Tutsi Congolese, causing them to be harassed and killed as if they have no legitimate right to live in their own country. But not once did the French journalists bring this up in their interview.


Why did they not question the Secretary General on how the UN (against its principles) is slow to strongly condemn hate speech by DRC government officials, security organs and ordinary citizens?


Guterres brought up concerns regarding the FDLR, genocidaires from Rwanda who have found a safe haven in DRC. He suggested that Rwanda and DRC should find solutions to the problems.


This was a ‘missed’ opportunity for the journalists to question him on “why the UN force has become part of the problem, by supporting a coalition of FARDC, FDLR, Mai Mai, and other negative armed groups that it is supposed to neutralize, in the fight against M23.


Why did they not question the formation of a coalition with the Congolese national army, FARDC, and FDLR? Why are FDLR members not disarmed and extradited to Rwanda to answer for their Genocide crimes?


All these unasked questions speak volumes about the French journalists.
