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Why does UN not question violation of Rwanda’s territorial integrity?


A Sukhoi-25 fighter jet from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on December 28 violated Rwandan airspace along Lake Kivu and immediately flew back. Kigali condemned the violation of its airspace by the Congolese fighter jet, an incident which was just one in a series of other provocations.


 In November, a similar Congolese fighter jet also violated Rwandan airspace. It landed at Rubavu Airport for short time before departing. Kigali reported and condemned the incident but the UN remained silent.


“These repeated violations are against the spirit of Luanda and Nairobi peace initiatives. The authorities in the DRC seem to be emboldened by consistent coddling by some in the international community who repeatedly heap blame on Rwanda for any and all ills in the DRC, while ignoring the transgressions originating from the DRC. These provocations must stop,” read a statement by the Rwandan government spokesperson after the incident.


On June 10, two rockets were shelled on Rwandan territory, in Musanze District. The shelling by the Congolese army was the third in less than four months. Prior to that, two similar incidents also happened in March and May in Musanze and Burera districts, leaving several civilians injured and property damaged.


On different occasions, the United Nations stated that DRC’s territorial integrity should be respected. This concerned Kinshasa’s allegations that Kigali backs the M23 rebels.


The sovereignty and territorial integrity of the DRC should be respected. No doubt about that.


And the UN should do whatever it takes to eliminate all forming armed groups wrecking havoc in eastern DRC.


But some questions remain unanswered.


When will the UN address the violations of Rwanda's sovereignty and territorial integrity by the DRC, which have occurred on several occasions as verified by the Expanded Joint Verification Mechanism?


This year alone, cross-border shelling on Rwandan territory took place on March 19, May 23 and June 10, followed by the recent violations of Rwandan airspace by a DRC’s fighter jets.


When is the international community ever going to resolutely address the threat posed by the Rwandan genocidal militia, FDLR, in eastern DRC? When will the UN condemn the alliance between the Congolese army and terror groups such as the FDLR?The latter is a genocidal terrorist group formed nearly three decades ago by remnants of the force that committed the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.


Kigali has for decades expressed concerns over the FDLR's Genocide ideology, including its support by Kinshasa, to no avail. The FARDC-FDLR alliance is responsible for several attacks on Rwanda's territory that claimed the lives of innocent civilians.


Why has the international community decided to disregard Kigali’s concerns? Will there be no consequences?
