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Amnesty International's lies about Rwanda using Pegasus spyware exposed


A computer scientist presenting the world with verifiable and falsifiable scientific data that can negate the claims by Amnesty and Citizen Lab against the Rwandan government.

A new report by Jonathan Scott, a very credible "white hat hacker", or a positive Internet hacker, who reports on security breaches to warn (not to extort) organizations has exposed the lies previously spread about Rwanda using the Pegasus spyware.


Known as "Jonathan Data" in the world of hackers, Scott is rated by well-known cyber companies and also by the US Pentagon, as a world-class top hacker.


 His report, “NSO through the Veil,” details how Amnesty International and a Canadian research institute called "Citizen Lab" faked the story claiming that Paul Rusesabagina’s adopted daughter Carine Kanimba’s phone was infected with NSO spyware originating from Rwanda. Theirs was part of an international defamation campaign.


Amnesty claimed that Pegasus Spyware was used to infect Carine’s phone.

Fact is, Amnesty international and Citizen Lab deliberately created a “self-infection” MVT-Tool, which they deceptively fronted as Pegasus spyware. They fooled so many people but their lies have caught up with them, thanks to Scott, a computer science and engineering doctoral student at Pinterest University of California, Santa Cruz. His report is readily available on medium.com.


“The attacks from Citizen Lab and Amnesty on the Rwandan Govt. are baseless and are scientifically proven to be false,” reads Scott’s report.


On July 19, 2021, Amnesty International wrote a press release with the title: “Pegasus Project: Rwandan authorities chose thousands of Activists, journalists and politicians to target with NSO Spyware.” It indicated that Amnesty International and Forbidden stories, a France-based organization registered under the name of Freedom Voices Network, had obtained new evidence which revealed that “Rwandan authorities used the NSO Group’s spyware to potentially target more than 3,500 activists, journalists and politicians. Amnesty claimed that the Spyware was also used to infect Carine’s phone.


Amnesty International’s Secretary General, Agnès Callamard, was quoted saying that “NSO Group cannot insist that its products are only used against criminals when more than 3,500 Rwandan activists, journalists, political opponents, foreign politicians, and diplomats have been selected as targets for NSO spyware.”


By this statement Amnesty International had put Rwandan authorities in the dock for alleged gross violation of human rights.


In what seemed to be a well-coordinated attack against Rwanda, Western media outlets spread the story like wild fire, crucifying Rwanda and President Paul Kagame for violation of human rights.


Amnesty international never availed the list of the 3,500 people that Rwanda allegedly targeted with the Pegasus spyware. It was a cooked up lie by Amnesty International. The latter still hovers over Rwanda, defaming it as a rouge state!


Scott says that Amnesty International, “knowingly submitted false data to the United States government and the EU Parliament. US government officials and the EU Parliament issued harsh statements against the government of Rwanda on issues to do with Rusesabagina's arrest and trial.


“The deceptive report citing “evidence” of Pegasus Spyware found on Carine’s mobile device is being used as a factual and scientific discovery Unbeknownst to the U.S House intelligence Committee, the document published on house.gov is not based on factual science, and it is nothing but a ruse,” Scott says in his report.


Scott’s report is a slap in the face of the U.S House Intelligence Committee which relied on fake and unverified information to give Carine an audience. In a letter by the Belgian Intelligence service – General du Renseignment et de la Securite (SGRS) – to Carine, dated December 2021, regarding her claim of Pegasus on her phone, she was informed that,  “our service could not attribute with certainty the initiator of the attack.” This was contrary to Amnesty International’s defamation against the government of Rwanda. The SGRS had no clue that what appeared to look like Pegasus on Carine’s phone was actually the work of Amnesty International.


“Carine Kanimba has become the poster victim of Pegasus, and is being shown off in front of the United States government, The European Parliament, and likely anywhere else Amnesty and Citizen Lab desire,” Scott observes. Carine was used as a courier, in the same way a drug mafia network operates, to deliver Amnesty International’s politically motivated accusations against the government of Rwanda.


July 19, 2021, the day Carine’s story about a Pegasus attack went viral, was the same day Amnesty released their MVT-Tool to the world. There is no doubt that it was a coordinated deception.


Powerful institutions such as Amnesty International and Citizen Lab, knowingly lied to Carine and she believed. But did Amnesty International lie to the US government and the EU Parliament or it is a shared conspiracy? Whatever the case, Amnesty intentionally carried out a smear campaign against Rwanda which was approved by the US government and the European Parliament. As usual, Western media endorsed it.   


It is not surprising because the West has taught nations like Rwanda to live in a world ruled by deception, lies and defamation against ‘bad regimes.’


In the West, Rwanda is considered stubborn and, as such, it must receive a beating from the big brothers so that it can toe the line. Rwanda chooses to take the beating rather than listen to what is not in the interest of her people.  


The Pegasus saga, created by Amnesty International, turns out to be a deceptive project. It is dangerous to world democracy and human rights for which the West claims to subscribe to. It was a political attack against Rwanda, veiled as a human rights cause.


It was part of Amnesty International’s larger international disinformation campaign.


Western organizations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and many more, are regularly used as smoke screens with a political agenda. These institutions are amplified by corrupt and unethical Western media outlets. They are mudsling countries perceived to be undemocratic, authoritarian, stifling civil society, lacking media freedom, and so on.


Is there any good reason why Rwanda should not sue Amnesty International, and Citizen Lab, for defamation? There is none whatsoever.
