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Are there ‘new arrivals’ in eastern DRC?


Displaced Congolese.

Felix Tshisekedi’s regime in Kinshasa is spreading a newly created narrative in Western media that “families from Rwanda have been arriving in Masisi and Rutshuru territories, occupied by AFC/M23 rebels, taking over villages vacated by displaced Congolese”.


The move aims at continuously disowning AFC/M23 rebels as legitimate Congolese citizens, repeating the propaganda of branding them as ‘foreigners who are invading the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo.”


Fortunately, Congolese compatriots are aware of Tshisekedi’s trickeries. Apart from hired Western media, local journalists operating in DRC who are very sure of the reality on the ground cannot report deceiving tales.


Thousands of Congolese, especially from eastern DRC, have been fleeing to neighboring countries since three decades ago. The area has been a safe haven for over 260 armed groups, including FDLR genocidal militia, a terrorist group formed by remnants of the perpetrators of 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.


The FDLR exported its genocide ideology after the Rwandan genocidal government was defeated, and the group has been persecuting Congolese Tutsi under the watch of successive Congolese governments. 

One of the reasons why M23 retook up arms in late 2021 after a decade was to repatriate Congolese refugees as Kinshasa failed to implement a number of signed agreements that aimed at bringing them back to their motherland. 


As AFC/M23 secures some parts of the region, it is rational that some of those Congolese refugees in neighboring countries feel free to return back home.


Referring to the refugees coming back to their homeland as “Rwandans” is not only cheap propaganda, but also violation of rights to citizenship of Congolese people. 


"Both the government and civil society recognize that we have compatriots who have taken refuge in neighboring Rwanda and others in Uganda. Therefore, we think it is possible to hear that some have returned to parts of the country under the control of the M23," said Jonas Pandasi, a civil society leader in Masisi.


Augustin Muhesi, a professor of political science in North Kivu Province, believes those people –being referred to as “new arrivals in eastern DRC” by Western Media– are in fact Congolese.


"The problem that could arise would be to say that displaced people return to DRC without any control mechanism," Muhesi said. 


The corrupt Westerners accepted to spread Tshisekedi’s propaganda with a significant lack of critical thinking. How would M23 resettle ‘Rwandans’ in eastern DRC before they repatriate Congolese refugees?
