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Aspiring youth: Emulating RPF Inkotanyi's vision for Rwanda's future


Twenty nine years ago, a generation of youths who were born as refugees joined by others from Rwanda who fled ethnic division and persecution during President Juvenal Habyarimana’s regime liberated Rwanda.


Day by day, the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) liberation movement grew stronger, not only in numbers but also in the hearts of Rwandans everywhere. Their courage and selflessness inspired a nation to stand tall and fight alongside them. The young Rwandans demonstrated that the spirit of unity and a genuine cause could topple even the most formidable adversaries.


Their journey was arduous. It was marked by loss and suffering but the youth's unwavering commitment to their cause fueled the flames of hope that kept Rwanda's dreams alive.


The Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) fighters believed in a cause greater than themselves; a cause that united them and ignited a flame of determination in their hearts.  They were willing to make sacrifices, knowing that their fight for a brighter future required more than just academic knowledge. They gave up their studies, jobs, and personal comforts, family obligations dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to the cause of the campaign to stop the genocide which was being perpetrated against the Tutsi and liberation of the country.


With unwavering courage and resilience, they confronted an army that was more than 10 times larger and armed with genocidal intentions. At the time, the RPA fought against more than 150,000 armed forces including government troops, forces sent in by and the genocidal regime’s allies such as France and Zaire (now DRC), and thousands of armed Interahamwe militia, while the RPA had just about 17,000 soldiers.


The chances for victory were overwhelmingly stacked against the RPA. But their unbreakable spirit propelled them forward.


They fought with every fiber of their being, with a burning determination to stop the genocide and liberate the country. Through strategic brilliance and sheer willpower, they emerged victorious, defeating the genocidal army and securing a future of peace and prosperity for Rwanda.


Their triumph held a powerful lesson for the young people of Rwanda and beyond. It taught them that a shared cause has the potential to unite even the most divided of societies. These young heroes showed that sacrifice, in the pursuit of a greater good, is sometimes necessary to achieve lasting change.


To continue the legacy of these brave individuals and further develop Rwanda, the young people of the nation must embrace unity. They must look beyond their differences, working together towards a common goal of progress and harmony.


The youth of Rwanda should cherish the values of courage and resilience that their predecessors embodied. They should learn from their example, understanding that no challenge is insurmountable when faced with determination and a belief in one's cause. They must be willing to make sacrifices, be it in their studies, careers, or personal lives, in order to contribute meaningfully to their nation's development.


Rwanda’s youth must remember the power of thinking big. They should carry within them the dreams and aspirations of those who came before them, striving to build a future that honors the sacrifices made and the battles won. By doing so, they will not only continue the legacy of their heroic predecessors but also create a Rwanda that shines as a beacon of progress and resilience for the world to admire. 


Young people in Rwanda are taught to uphold the legacy of their predecessors. They learn that unity is the key to progress and that no sacrifice is too great for the collective well-being of the nation. Education and professional aspirations are valued, but the lesson of the past reminds them that sometimes, putting aside personal pursuits for a higher purpose can lead to even greater achievements.


The legacy of the young RPA fighters teaches the youth to be compassionate, understanding, and empathetic towards one another.

