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Burundi-DRC plot to destabilize Rwanda exposed


Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi (left) and his Burundian counterpart Evariste Ndayishimiye (right) are plotting to destabilize Rwanda by supporting anti-Rwanda terrorist groups operating from eastern DRC.

For the past few months, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have enjoyed a thriving relationship. Today, their relations have taken a new step; uniting and supporting all anti-Rwanda government groups operating in the east of the DRC.

For decades, the Congolese government has been working with the FDLR, a militia group formed by remnants of the masterminds of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Now, the DRC regime is extending its help to another negative Rwandan group, a splinter group of FDLR called the National Liberation Forces (FLN). The latter group has bases in Burundi, and eastern DRC.

The FLN is the military wing of MRCD, a political entity founded by the US-based Paul Rusesabagina. The group reportedly has more than 400 combatants, still active in South-Kivu Province.

In mid-November 2023, Maj Gen Peter Cirimwami, the Governor of North Kivu Province, held a meeting with Brig Gen Antoine Hakizimana, alias Jeva, the commander of FLN. The two discussed the possibility of collaboration between Kinshasa and FLN combatants. A source from Gitega revealed to this website that, as discussed, the partnership is ongoing; since March 2024.

The Burundian government has accepted the DRC request to support the FNL militia. With this support, the militia are emboldened in their wish to launch sporadic terror attacks in the northern and southern provinces of Rwanda. The deal further entails that Burundi’s support would consist of facilitating rebels' recruitment and trainings, and offer a passage to combatants from DRC to join FLN in Kibira forest.

It is reported that DRC President Felix Tshisekedi took the decision to support the FLN after being convinced by his Burundian counterpart Evariste Ndayishimiye. Kinshasa was also motivated by the fact that the FLN fought alongside the Wazalendo, in Rubaya, when fighting the M23 rebels.

The Congolese government has constantly accused Rwanda of supporting the M23 rebels, an allegation Kigali denied. For Kinshasa, any armed group willing to fight the M23 rebels and attack Rwanda, will get unconditional support.

Gitega and Kinshasa know that the FLN is a terror group, like the FDLR which they are all  collaborating with. However, they do not realize that these armed groups extend their violence to all the region, not only in DRC.

It is clear that Tshisekedi and Ndayishimiye do not wish for peace in the region. Their evil collaboration is only fulfilling their wishes for chaos and violence in the region.
