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DRC: Genocide perpetrated as international community watches


The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is home to more than 250 tribes and communities, each with its own customs, dialect and ancestral land. Of all, Congolese Tutsi from the Kinyarwanda-speaking communities, have always been discriminated. This often through a series of criminal activities targeting them especially through systematic killings as in the current situation.


All the atrocities happen in broad day light. Thanks to social media, the evidence is there for the entire world to see. But there is complete indifference from the international community. 


The Congolese Tutsi are victims of repeated attacks perpetrated by the Congolese army, FARDC, in addition to local and foreign militia groups in the eastern part of the country. Since 1994, armed militia groups such as the FDLR, the Mai Mai and others have targeted the Rwandophones in eastern DRC.


Many have found themselves as refugees in neighbouring countries, out of fear of execution. From 2017 to 2021, more than 300 villages of the Banyamulenge community in South Kivu province were burnt; hundreds were killed, while thousands fled the violence and joined their relatives in refugee camps.


Unlike in other similar scenarios in some parts of the world, the international community has remained silent and continues to show total indifference to the fate of the Congolese Tutsi.


In Rwanda, 28 years ago, the Genocide against the Tutsi unfolded and the sad memories are still fresh.


Since the late 1950s, the Tutsi in Rwanda were forced to flee their country. Ultimately, from April to July 1994, the Tutsi were killed in the worst humanitarian catastrophe of the 20th century.


The massacres were happening in the full glare of cameras of the few members of the international press corps who stayed back to document the atrocities, while the international community was preoccupied in a senseless debate on whether to term what was happening in Rwanda as a genocide.


It was only after the death of over a million people that the international community realised that it was time to face the reality and call the systematic killings a genocide.


Sadly, almost three decades later, we are witnessing a similar scenario in eastern DRC.  Kinshasa has engineered vicious campaigns that call for the extermination of Rwandophones, specifically Tutsi, referring to them as foreigners from Rwanda who should be eliminated.


Today, a genocide is being perpetrated in eastern DRC while the international community watches.


In DRC, the state is free to either deny or destroy evidence of centuries-old existence of Congolese Tutsi in eastern DRC, just like it does to deny and destroy all evidence of their systematic extermination.


The United Nations peacekeepers have, for long, provided a false sense of security  but failed to intervene to stop the atrocities committed against the Congolese Tutsi community.


The UN Mission in the country stands by, as an accomplice, and watches – in total indifference – every time the Tutsi are slaughtered. For how long will this go on?
