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DRC: Tshisekedi’s continued isolation policy hurts citizens more


Kenya Airways (KQ) on April 30 suspended all flights to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) due to the continued detention of its crew by Congolese military intelligence. The airline pointed out that it was unable to support flights to Kinshasa without supervision and support of its operations by its personnel.

Two KQ staff members were arrested on April 19, over alleged missing customs documents of a cargo that was to be transported by the airline. Despite court orders, Congolese military intelligence still held them incommunicado, yet they were civilians.

On the other hand, the Congolese government has refused to deal with the crisis, showing that it is unbothered with the halt of the Kenyan carrier’s activities.

These developments have turned the spotlight on the latest diplomatic tiffs between the two countries, with regional political analysts noting that the souring of relations, caused by Kinshasa, is likely to escalate if the Congolese government does not change its ways.

This is not a new disagreement between DRC and Kenya. In December 2023, DRC recalled its ambassador to Nairobi after summoning the Kenyan envoy in Kinshasa in protest against the creation of Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC), a Congolese politico-military opposition platform, formed by Congolese opposition figure Corneille Nangaa, in Nairobi.

Today, once again, the Congolese government is once again showing its isolationist policies, which are jeopardizing the principles of the East African Community (EAC) to which it is a member state.

President Felix Tshisekedi forgot that KQ was the only regional airline flying to his country.  In May 2022, Kinshasa suspended RwandAir flights to the country after accusing Kigali of supporting the M23 rebel group, an accusation the latter has vehemently denied.

Kinshasa also ignores that without the help of regional airlines it cannot completely meet aviation service needs to all Congolese who need them. Since September 2023, DRC’s national carrier, Congo Airways, faced operational hurdles, which prompted a temporary suspension.

With the halt of other regional airlines, the Congolese have more to lose and are getting increasingly limited from regional travels, operating businesses and other related services.

After all these failures, many are wondering how Tshisekedi will address the challenges highlighted by critics and ensure sustained operational efficiency in the competitive aviation landscape, while considering his compatriots who are suffering due to his undiplomatic behavior.
