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DRC: Tshisekedi using armed groups to revive M23 war



Since late May 2023, the M23 rebels ceased fighting, in the interest of peace.


They withdrew from all the territories captured and handed them over to the EAC regional force, as recommended by the Luanda Summit of November 23, 2022.


This brought a relative calm in the troubled east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), prompting the East African Community to laud these efforts and suggest a cantonment for the M23 rebels, and a frank and direct dialogue between M23 and their government.


But Kinshasa not only failed to dialogue with the M23, but is plotting to put the rebels on the warpath again.


There is no positive sign that Kinshasa will commit to finding a solution diplomatically as it never ceases to show signs that it is relying on military power to battle the M23.


A source that preferred anonymity, revealed to The Great Lakes Eye that under the orders of President Felix Tshisekedi, Minister of Defence Jean Pierre Bemba, surrounded by FARDC deputy chief of staff in charge of operations Chico Tshitambwe, and North Kivu Governor Gen Constant Ndima, held a meeting with leaders of FDLR, in early August.


The FDLR is a terrorist group formed by individuals responsible for the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.


According to the source, the leaders of the FDLR, who were present at the meeting, were instructed to get ready to fight the M23. They were promised a huge supply of ammunitions and explosives, and help from the FARDC and Wazalendo youth militia.


On the morning of August 13, in Masisi, the local population reported that gunfire from heavy and light weapons were heard, when the Wazalendo attacked the M23 rebels.


Since taking up arms in late 2021, the rebels are fighting to protect the lives of Congolese Tutsi who are now targets of hate speech and violence orchestrated by their own government, FDLR, Mai Mai, and other local armed groups.


Why now?


It is no secret that Tshisekedi has completely refused to sit at a negotiation table with the M23, for the sake of lasting peace in the east of his country.  A war with the rebels only plays at his advantage. All agreements between the M23 and Kinshasa were put into the dustbin and the latter is glaring at the consequences of its actions, or inaction, by creating more chaos.


Tshisekedi swept under the carpet all the advice by regional and world leaders to embrace political negotiations. 


Related: Museveni, again, urges Tshisekedi to hold talks with M23 rebels


“The planned attacks will serve as another scapegoat to avoid dialogue with the rebels. By provoking the M23 and pushing them to take up arms and defend themselves, Kinshasa hopes to create more chaos in eastern Congo and prolonging the conflict,” revealed the source.


Tshisekedi wants to use these armed groups to attack the M23 so he can extend the state of siege, in eastern DRC's provinces of North Kivu and Ituri. The move will effectively make holding December elections impossible.


In the past weeks Congolese citizens, civil society and religious leaders have released statements, requesting the lift of the state of siege in these provinces, accusing Tshisekedi and his incompetent army of making the security situation worse.


Realizing that he is running out of time, Tshisekedi is keen on anything that can help him stay in office. Chaos and insecurity are his main objective


Apparently, peace is not part of his plans for his country.

