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DRC increases collaboration with FDLR despite Luanda agreement to neutralize genocidal militia


FDLR genocidal militia, formed by remnants of the perpetrators of the 1994 genocide against The Tutsi in Rwanda.

The Democratic Republic of Congo's government has continued to collaborate with the FDLR genocidal militia despite agreeing on a plan to neutralize them during a ministerial meeting in Angola on July 30.

The FDLR is a UN-sanctioned terrorist group formed by remnants of the perpetrators of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. The mass murderers fled to DRC, then Zaire, after massacring more than one million people in three months, in 1994.

For three decades, Congolese leaders, including current President Felix Tshisekedi, have on many occasions, denied the existence of FDLR, alleging that it is ‘a pretext’ used by Rwanda to ‘invade’ eastern DRC. The Congolese army, FARDC, has incorporated the genocidal militia in its ranks, provided it with support including ammunition and finance.

Despite the denial, on July 30, foreign ministers from Angola, Rwanda and DRC met in Luanda, and the Congolese government agreed to a plan to neutralize FDLR. The meeting was preceded by another of intelligence experts from the three countries, on August 7, in which the proposed plan for the neutralization of the FDLR was reviewed.

However, a few days after the Luanda meeting, the Congolese government was quick to re-organize yet other successive meetings with FDLR representatives to strengthen their collaboration. The Congolese's meetings with FDLR elements were convened from August 10 to 14.

The Great Lakes Eyes investigation desk learnt that on August 10, Brig Gen Danny Yangba Tene, the advisor of the North Kivu Military Governor, along with other military officials held an operational meeting with FDLR officials represented by Lt Col Pierre Celestin Rurakabije alias Guillaume SAMBA, FDLR’s CRAP commander.

Brig Gen Yangba instructed the FDLR elements to reinforce the Burundian army, SAMIDRC, Mercenaries, and Wazalendo troops before implementing their offensives against the M23 rebels.

Preceding the meeting, on August 14, Brig Gen Alain Nkuku, FARDC’s operations commander of the Sake-Masisi axis, once again met FDLR commanders Col Gustave Ndagijimana and Lt Col Pierre Celestin Rurakabije, the FDLR’s CRAP commander  in the same areas.

This time, held in Kimachine, in Mugunga, the meeting discussed the welfare of troops operating in the areas. After the meeting, Brig Gen Nkulu distributed 250,000 Congolese francs and USD300, to each FDLR officer and Commander, respectively.

On top of that, the FARDC official distributed 8 tons of food to the FDLR troops operating in Shovu, Nyakagina, Kaiwa, Karangara, and Mutaho areas, in Masisi territory.


Kinshasa does not want to give any chance to Luanda agreements to succeed. On August 12, Maj Gen Jérôme Chico Tshitambwe, the FARDC’s operations Commander in the Grand Nord, visited his troops in Lubero territory, and held meetings with FDLR commanders; Lt Col Elisa Serugendo alias Charite, the deputy commander of FDLR’s CANAAN/JERICHO sub-sector and Lt Col Alphonse a.k.a Marius MWENEGITARE, an FDLR’s Company Commander who are all part of the Congolese army commanding forces.


The developments show that Kinshasa is incapable of dismantling the FDLR, and all agreements they signed in Luanda in the recent past will always be agreements on paper that will never be put into action, just like all others that Congolese authorities signed over the years.


Successive Congolese governments have lacked the good will and commitment, to neutralize FDLR. Worse still, Tshisekedi does not want to uproot the genocidal militia simply because he believes that FDLR is a stronger fighting force than his poorly managed, indiscipline, and corrupt army. Tshisekedi needs the genocidal militia in his war against the M23 rebels.


With unlimited sponsorship from Tshisekedi, the FDLR trains militiamen from armed militia grouped under what is called the Wazalendo, who in return go on the frontlines whenever the Congolese national army is involved in battles with M23 rebels. As such, FDLR and Wazalendo are key allies to the Congolese army.


The Congolese armed forces have no will to dismantle FDLR since they are their biggest allies.


Tshisekedi can not lose this support, hence pretending to neutralize the FDLR, to gain admiration from the international community, all the while holding secret meetings and providing support to them


But by refusing to neutralize FDLR, Tshisekedi is not only betraying the region. He is also betraying the Congolese population.
