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Foreign critics cannot stop Rwanda’s success


Amahoro National Stadium, the modern 45,000-seat facility, is among Rwanda's biggest projects implemented recently.

Like any big event, Rwanda’s presidential and parliamentary elections attracted global attention with anti-RPF party critics bringing up old baseless accusations. They claim that, among others, incumbent President Paul Kagame is “undemocratic”.

Kagame stabilized and transformed a devastated country following the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi which claimed the lives of more than one million Tutsi.

The critics know that access to electricity to Rwandan households is high, and corruption was significantly reduced. The capital, Kigali, was transformed from the ghost town it was during the Genocide, with clean streets lined with stylish new buildings that host hotels, conference centers and other local and international businesses.

While Rwandans and friends of Rwanda consider facts on the ground which prove that Kagame is a visionary leader, anti-RPF critics leave no stone unturned to tarnish his image, portraying him as an “oppressive despot”.

Criminals serving the evil agenda of the Rwandan government critics while violating the country’s law, are arrested and tried just like any other citizens. But the critics keep on complaining that they were arrested because they are political “opponents”.

Surprisingly, most of those reported to have been arrested because they “opposed” RPF policies have never been politicians, in accordance to the country’s context and requirements.

In most cases, the reported allegations against Kagame and RPF are backed by fake stories created with the same people who are reporting. It is as if a street vendor is still the one and only to prove that his products are of super quality.

Shockingly, most of the critics are foreign writers, journalists, and the so-called researchers who never set their foot in Rwanda.

They have their rights to criticize. But, at least, they should do so with tangible facts on the ground.

Critics tarnish the image of the Rwandan government so that foreign countries avoid cooperating with Kigali, and the population turns against the ruling party. That's their evil hidden agenda.

Rwandans know the reality more than foreigners do. That is why the intentions of these critics and saboteurs always fail.

Rwanda refused to be bullied by the West and, as such, Western media and purported NGOs are used to tarnish its image; often creating fake stories sourced from on the run genocidaires and terrorists in exile.

The good news is, their lies will not stop Rwanda from moving forward.
