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How rejecting Amb. Karega’s accreditation unmasks Belgium’s sinister agenda, support of genocidairies


Jambo News, an outlet owned by a group of genocide deniers and extremist Rwandan exiles under the umbrella Jambo Asbl, was the first to report that Belgium refused to accredit Ambassador Vincent Karega as Kigali’s new envoy to Brussels. It was on July 24.

The Belgian government is yet to publicly comment on the matter.

Instead, Jambo News served as the channel to disseminate the message on behalf of the Belgian government because the latter kept quiet despite the fact that the issue went viral, and made headlines in international media.

The decision by the Belgian government to reject Amb Karega's accreditation is believed to be influenced by Kinshasa and does not bode well for bilateral relations between Kigali and Brussels.

The Belgian government seems to have capitulated to pressure from the Democratic Republic of Congo government, as well as propaganda from genocide negationist organizations and detractors of Rwanda like Jambo Asbl through whom they decided to leak the decision.

Jambo Asbl is a negationist and revisionist organization hiding behind the banner of a diaspora youth movement. They promote a negationist version of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi committed in Rwanda, because they are sons and daughters of génocidaires. This association was created and formed by genocide fugitives who escaped justice. They fabricate stories and bribe witnesses to shift the blame on the victims.

When the Belgian government chose Jambo Asbl as its channel to communicate its affaires with Rwanda, it was a clear evidence of persistence of the political agenda of the European country – divide and rule – which is the genesis of the divisionism and ethnicity in Rwanda that resulted to the Genocide.

Despite the fact that Brussels harbors almost 40 known genocide fugitives, as well as hundreds of genocide deniers and detractors of Rwanda who are sponsoring terrorist groups including FDLR and FLN, Belgium has shown no political will to bring these criminals to book.

Several sources indicate that Jambo Asbl holds influence in Brussels.  In 2020, Laure Uwase, a member of Jambo Asbl, was appointed as commission member, to examine the role of Belgian colonial rule in Rwanda and the entire Great Lakes region.

Uwase, 31, did not qualify as an expert in colonial history of Rwanda. She is an expert in supporting genocidaires, based on interviews she did with them.

If the refusal of Amb Karega by Belgium is based on his expulsion by Kinshasa, the Belgian government would be trying to appease President Félix Tshisekedi that they are on his side, regarding the tensions between Rwanda and DRC. This would only escalate disputes between the two former colonies of Belgium.  

Rwanda is yet again a victim of international conspiracy in a failing multilateralism, while Belgium is protecting its strategic interests in natural resources rich DRC.
