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How selfish Western interests ruin DRC peace prospects


The resettlement of Congolese refugees in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia, has been portrayed as a ‘humanitarian’ act. However, political analysts believe that this can not be a solution to the ever-escalating conflict in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as Western powers keep contributing to the ethnic cleansing targeting Congolese Tutsi communities.

On many occasions, the UN's Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, Alice Wairimu Nderitu, reported that in eastern DRC, the current violence is mainly the result of the refugee crisis which led to the flight of many individuals involved in the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda to eastern DRC.  The génocidaires from Rwanda formed armed groups such as the FDLR, which are still active in eastern DRC.

Following the defeat of the genocidal regime in Rwanda, the perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi fled to eastern DRC, and formed terrorist militias that switched names from one to another until today’s FDLR.

The then Congolese government led by Mobutu welcomed them with their genocide ideology and weapons. Successive Congolese governments stepped in Mobutu’s footpath,   arming the génocidaires and their descendants, harboring them in eastern DRC, and even integrating them into the Congolese national army. 

The FDLR spreads genocide ideology in DRC. Its members, Congolese soldiers, and other local militia groups forced millions of Congolese Tutsi to out of DRC, while hundreds thousands of their relatives were murdered.

Instead of supporting the implementation of different peace accords initiated to bring law and order in eastern DRC so that refugees return to their homeland, the UN and its International Organization of Migration put more effort in relocating displaced Congolese to Western countries. 

Resettling Congolese refugees in the West is often depicted as humanitarianism, while it has never been. For the countries taking the Congolese refugees in, these refugees are much needed cheap manpower. Once they arrive in Western countries, they are offered jobs in industries, farms, and construction sites, but are paid below the minimum wage while they toil to uplift the economies of their host countries.

According to a 2021 study by the World Migration Institute, countries that the refugees relocate to have been criticized for inadequately supporting refugees and lack of political assistance. Then there is the refugees’ low income status which will only lengthen with their stay in host countries.

While Western countries argue that what they are doing is charitable, they are benefiting more from the scheme.

The persecution of Congolese Tutsi by the FDLR, the Congolese army, and other militia groups, serves Western countries' selfish interests, while intensifying ethnic cleansing in eastern DRC.

The UN mission in the country, MONUSCO, has failed the Congolese for over 25 years now. It often announces a withdrawal, and later on, a mandate renewal.

MONUSCO has been the most expensive peacekeeping mission in the UN’s history. But despite decades of operations in eastern DRC, it has brought no positive change there. Armed groups multiplied from about five to over 260, and civilians have been killed in their presence.

With more than 19,000 troops and an annual budget of about USD1 billion, the blue helmets consistently fail the Congolese Tutsi while serving interests of the West. Some MONUSCO officials were reported to be involved in the formation of armed groups in eastern DRC, and using the armed groups in securing mining sites which Western companies extract.

Eastern European and American mercenaries operating in North Kivu are well known for drug trafficking and mineral smuggling, all done under MONUSCO’s keen watch.

Amidst the escalating conflict in eastern DRC, MONUSCO has been evacuating and treating FDLR casualties.

Evacuating and treating FDLR’s wounded soldiers shows MONUSCO’s complicity in mass killings targeting Congolese Tutsi in eastern DRC.

The Congolese have, on different occasions, protested against MONUSCO, asking the mission to leave their country because it is of no use to them.

The blue helmets withdrew from some areas in South Kivu Province, pretending to be exiting DRC soon or later. However, MONUSCO will go nowhere. Its mission – protecting West’s interests in DRC – has never changed. 

The plight of displaced Congolese means nothing in the lenses of Western powers. The latter only care about getting minerals and cheap manpower.
