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Kampala bound weapons seized in Kenya were for RNC, crackdown on Uganda opposition


As the English say, old habits die hard. It is now common knowledge that whenever Ugandan intelligence agencies are caught in all sorts of operational blunders, there is always Rwanda to blame, even when there is incriminating evidence to the contrary. No matter what the facts are, they are going to try to put a spin on it one way or another.

Ever heard of the ostrich effect? It is a cognitive bias that causes people to avoid information they perceive as potentially unpleasant. The ostrich effect is named after the common myth that the ostrich buries its head in the sand when faced with a dangerous situation.

On November 24, 2020, the online publication, Command Post, which is managed by Uganda’s Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) published an article titled, “Guns seized in Kenya Enroute to Uganda Linked to Rwanda”. The article alleges that Rwandan military officers (names not mentioned) received funds for an operation ahead of the general elections in Uganda to support the opposition there during the upcoming elections and make the capital, Kampala, ungovernable.

Furthermore, the CMI mouthpiece throws wild allegations that Rwanda’s aim is to support a full scale war on Uganda, fight a proxy war with elements from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and so on.

Although Uganda makes such unfounded allegations, there is no evidence that links Rwanda to the arms seized by Kenyan authorities. It is common knowledge that any goods imported must have a bill of lading showing the origin, the importer, and destination of the cargo. No such evidence is available to claim Rwanda’s link.

The seized arms destined to Kampala, were first reported by Kenyan media. The Command Post story came as a fire-fighting tactic to save face considering Uganda’s leaked secret – shipment of arms through the territory of another country without disclosure of the cargo.

Uganda is negotiating with Kenya to have the arms released. Logically, if the arms did not belong to Uganda, the latter would request Kenya to ship them back to where they came from.

In The Monitor publication of October 20, 2020, Benson Tusiime wrote an article revealing that Uganda Police was going to recruit 50,000 special police constables (SPCs) for the January 2021 general elections.https://www.monitor.co.ug/uganda/news/national/police-to-recruit-50-000-election-constables–2485356

The Uganda Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga, was quoted in the article saying that, “we have plans of recruiting election special police constables for effective policing of the election period and post-elections period.” Enanga revealed that the force would be disbanded after elections!

The laughable question here is, how does the police force invest in training constables only to be disbanded after the election period?!

Reliable sources, people close to Kampala security agencies, told The Great Lakes Eye that the seized arms in Kenya were meant for militias disguised as ‘police constables’ who are trained together with Rwandan fugitive Kayumba Nyamwasa’s Rwanda National Congress (RNC) recruits.

Sources informed The Great Lakes Eye how Uganda’s security agencies – Internal Security Organization (ISO)  and CMI – agreed with the RNC terror group to support President Yoweri Museveni during the upcoming elections. The reward, as noted, will be weapons to be used by RNC to fight the government of Rwanda and remove President Paul Kagame from power.

Those who watched Uganda television and social media pictures in the past days, saw armed goons shooting to kill opposition demonstrators in Kampala and other parts of the country.  The militias – some wearing slippers and holding guns like cattle rustlers – were what Ugandan security agencies claimed to be ‘Police constables’. They were mixed with RNC operatives in Kampala, with the mission of cracking down the opposition, by killing and intimidating them to pave way for Museveni’s easy win of the 2021 elections.

There is countless evidence of Uganda’s support for Rwandan dissident terror groups like RNC, FDLR and others, which Rwandan authorities tabled in different engagements. This support includes arming, training, issuing travel documents, and coordinating terror attacks on Rwandan soil.

Uganda’s Minister of State for Regional Cooperation, Philemon Mateke, was responsible for coordinating a deadly attack in Kinigi sector of Musanze District,  Northern Province, on October 3, 2019.

Some captured attackers testified about Mateke’s involvement. His telephone number was found to have been in contact with the attackers before and after the attack.

When Uganda started supporting anti-Rwanda dissident terror groups and carrying out recruitments from different parts of Uganda, CMI and ISO branded every Rwandan travelling to Uganda a “spy”.

“It is unimaginable how all Rwandans can be called spies, ” a regional security expert said in reference to the behavior of the Ugandan security establishment towards Rwandans. “This shows one obvious thing; it is a case of the guilty who are always afraid,” the expert concluded.  

Efforts by CMI and ISO to mudsling Rwanda using Command Post as their mouth piece will always be futile as the plot does not merit the minimum ingredients of a fictitious story. The truth is stubborn and it will always expose these poorly concocted lies.
