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Lantos Foundation fighting losing battle over Rwanda envoy's credentials


As the verdict against Paul Rusesabagina, former hotelier accused of terrorism in Rwanda draws near, his backers continue to engage in an anti-Rwanda government campaign.

Take the article run by the BBC on September 13, “Dominic Rabab urged to block new Rwandan diplomat amid human rights concerns”. This media house relayed the request by the Lantos Foundation, on September 9, asking the UK Foreign Minister to reject the credentials of Rwanda’s new envoy to the UK, Johnston Busingye.

On September 15, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson reshuffled his cabinet, moving Dominic Raab from the post of foreign secretary to those of deputy prime minister and justice secretary. Liz Truss replaces Raab as foreign secretary, and will also remain minister for women and equalities.

I doubt she will reject Busingye’s credentials. The Lantos Foundation made a similar request on June 7, when petitioning the US government to put sanctions on then Rwandan Justice Minister, Busingye, and head of the Rwandan Investigation Bureau (RIB), Col Jeannot Ruhunga, for their alleged role in human rights violations against Rusesabagina. It cited what it alleged was his rendition and kidnapping in August 2020.

It lost.

It is understandable that the Lantos Foundation prefers to shed its reputation as an international human rights organisation to campaign for a man whose terrorism links are undisputable.

Evidence presented in court shows that Rusesabagina is the financier and leader of an armed terrorist outfit,  the MRCD-FLN. The latter was behind a series of attacks in southwestern Rwanda which claimed a dozen lives. The Lantos Foundation should be blamed for these attacks, and deaths. It helped propel Rusesabagina to fame when in 2011 it awarded him the Lantos Human Rights Prize for allegedly saving refugees at the Hotel des Mille Collines.

The Foundation has always ignored genocide saviours’ protests when they explain that Rusesabagina did not save anybody. He, instead, cosied up with the masterminds of the genocide, notably senior genocidal army officers with whom he wined and dined.

Yolande Makolo, Rwanda’s spokesperson, accused Lantos Foundation’s Katrina Swett of being a partner in crime with Rusesabagina.

Makolo tweeted: “Legacy of being a crime partner? Whatever she says, the truth will prevail. Why does she praise cruelty? It’s time to refresh her mind otherwise she is heading in the dark path of darkness.”

The Lantos Foundation’s support for a man who caused a lot of pain and suffering to many families, and never empathised with his victims angers Rwandans.

Francis Nkotanyi tweeted: “Human rights are fundamental to all human beings. Better observed in the right angle. It’s offensive to see a human rights body becoming a kangaroo organisation (court). (Rusesabagina is) a criminal who deserves the death penalty. I wish it weren’t abolished.”

Part of the evidence pinning Rusesabagina on supporting terrorist activities inside Rwanda was obtained from the FBI and the Belgian Prosecution. Raab is aware of Rusesabagina’s role in terrorism in Rwanda.

He will, like the US Congress did, ignore the Lantos Foundation’s campaign against Busingye.
