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Muhoozi Project: Mwenda gimmick exposes how Uganda military deployment in DRC is a comedy


Ugandans were last week stunned by videos of journalist Andrew Mwenda, a civilian, wearing full uniform of the Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF), and seating in an attack military helicopter, among other things. 

Inside the chopper, he said: “Right in the main captain’s cockpit for this MI-24 attack helicopter. I am going to bomb the hell out of ADF in Congo and by tomorrow you will see masses, masses of them surrendering at the border.”

In another video, Mwenda is seen congratulating UPDF soldiers lined up besides the helicopter, as if he was the military General in charge of the mission in DRC!

The Ugandan Army Spokesperson, Brig Flavia Byekwaso, in a recorded statement told Ugandans that, “the intentions of the video are unknown to them and don’t represent the UPDF.” She added that the Uganda People’s Defence Force is investigating how the journalist accessed military fatigues and appeared to speak on behalf of the force in a video circulating on social media.


The good intentioned army spokesperson does not know that Mwenda is a man on a mission given to him by Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba and his father, President Yoweri Museveni.  Like his father, Muhoozi does not respect the laws of Uganda. Father and son exhibit an egoistic sense of ownership of the UPDF as a personal army.

While Brig Byekwaso was struggling with respecting the rule of law, Gen. Muhoozi swept the law under the carpet.

Arrogantly, Gen. Muhoozi twitted: “My bro Mwenda is part of the massive fan base that UPDF has because of the great work we do. They want to wear the uniforms, hold our guns and even pretend to fly our aircrafts. It means nothing. They are just excited beings. A victorious army like ours is used to such adoration.”

The statement by Gen. Muhoozi made it clear who authorized Mwenda to break the UPDF law. Secondly, it embarrassed Byekwaso seeing that her concerns were inconsequential.

Thirdly, it showed that Uganda has two armies. One that is professional and concerned by the respect of law, and another which is more powerful and thrives on impunity and lawlessness.

Mwenda is known to be very close to Gen. Muhoozi. Museveni used his son to buy Mwenda who was highly critical of NRM and Museveni. Mwenda made an ideological U-turn. Today, he is the man behind the controversial “Muhoozi Project,” aimed at positioning Museveni’s son to succeed his father as the next president of Uganda.

Mwenda has appeared on Radio and TV talk shows qualifying Muhoozi as presidential material.  He has been seen occasionally donning T-shirts with Muhoozi’s portrait, inscribed with the words, “The Leader.” 

Mwenda’s latest comic act, wearing military uniform and pretending to fly an attack helicopter to bomb rebels in the DRC was stage managed as a gimmick to popularize Gen. Muhoozi. 


Infact, it is believed that the whole UPDF adventure into DRC, is not about fighting ADF.  The ADF's captured leader, Jamil Mukulu, is on record revealing how Museveni is the supplier of logistics to the rebels. Museveni uses the ADF as a revolving door to allow him enter DRC for personal gains especially looting the vast country’s abudant natural resources and disrupting peace in the Great Lakes Region.


Since the start of “operation Shuja,” despite heavy deployment of artillery and attack helicopters, no dead bodies of ADF have ever been shown to the public. Only blue chairs and Gonja allegedly captured in the ADF stronghold at Kambi Ya Yua were shown. The ADF rebels can only be fought with light weapons.  


The real essence of UPDF’s deployment in DRC therefore, is to promote the image of Gen. Muhoozi as the overall commander, “who defeated ADF.”


This is intended to win the hearts of Ugandans and make it easier for Mwenda and Museveni to sell Gen. Muhoozi to Ugandans as another mighty “Ssabalwanyi,” just like his father calls himself. Muhoozi would, therefore, qualify with merit to be a battle tested and hardened next president of Uganda capable of defending the nation.

Sadly, however, Ugandans know that the rank Muhoozi wears is not by merit but simply given because he is Museveni’s son. Some bright officers who trained with him are still junior officers.

George Orwell’s 1945 classic novel, Animal Farm, remains the play book at Rwakitura until today. Museveni and his son have a breed of untouchables, and Mwenda has been newly baptized to accomplish the mission of the Ssabalwanyis. 
