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Ndayishimiye determined to eliminate CNDD-FDD chief so as to guarantee a second term


Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye is leaving no stone unturned in his effort to eliminate the Secretary General of the ruling party CNDD-FDD, Révérien Ndikuriyo, for having more influence in the party to successfully prepare for a second term in 2027.

In late January, Ndayishimiye surprisingly launched a three day crusade for CNDD-FDD which was followed by the national congress. The crusade was kept secret and most of the participants were not informed about it in advance as is usually done.

Sources from Gitega confirmed that Ndayishimiye intended to use the congress in eliminating Ndikuriyo from his position as Secretary General of CNDD-FDD.

Internal wrangles in Burundi’s ruling party are deteriorating as Ndayishimiye focuses on eliminating Ndikuriyo. The latter is more popular and has more influence nationwide than the President.

Ndayishimiye is unpopular among government and military officials. Even the Burundian population is not happy with him for the numerous mistakes he has been making, including the recent one of closing the border with Rwanda.

The Burundian President wants to replace military officials in CNDD-FDD’s high positions with civilians because of current strained relations with army generals.

Ndayishimiye excluded former Chief of Staff to the Presidency, Gabriel Nizigama, alias Tibia, and former chief spy Maj Gen Etienne Ntakarutimana. He arrested former Prime Minister Gen Alain-Guillaume Bunyoni, which affected his trust among military officials. Their anger increased when Ndayishimiye excluded army generals from CNDD-FDD decision making organs.

The President’s relationship with Prime Minister Gen Gervais Ndirakobuca, and Burundi’s Chief of Defense Forces Gen Prime Niyongabo, are on the rocks.

Burundi’s former Minister in charge of East African Community Ezekiel Nibigira is likely to replace Ndikuriyo as Secretary General of CNDD-FDD, according to sources closer to Ndayishimiye.

But some sources also give chances to former Imbonerakure leader MP Denis Karera who is currently CNDD-FDD national secretary; Imbonerakure leader Eric Nshimirimana; and CNDD-FDD national secretary in charge of political and legal affairs Jean Marie Muhirwa.

September 2023 saw Ndayishimive replacing Nancy Mutoni, lazare Mvuyekure, and Godelieve Nininahazwe who were strong supporters of Ndikuriyo, with Doriane Munezero, Denis Karera, and Calinie Mbarushimana who are loyal to the President as CNDD-FDD national secretaries.

Members of CNDD-FDD accuse Ndayishimiye of destabilizing the party by eliminating influential businessmen, politicians and military cadres to gain full control of the party, and remain the sole decision maker. This will in return pave the way for his next term in 2027.

The concern remains that the exclusion of Ndikuriyo will worsen relations between CNDD-FDD and foreign countries, especially Tanzania.

Tanzanians were operating businesses in Burundi with Bunyoni. Since the detention of the latter, relations between Burundi’s ruling party and Tanzania soured.

With Ndayishimiye investing more efforts in eliminating Ndikuriyo, the ruling party will break up into two antagonistic parties: the pro-Ndayishimiye and the pro-Ndikuriyo, a scenario that can result into unexpected hostilities in the world’s poorest country.

The Secretary General of CNDD-FDD is seen as a strategic position which could propel Ndikuriyo to the Presidency, as was the case with his predecessor, Ndayishimiye.
