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Opinion Poll: Paul Kagame gets 91 per cent votes


Through a Twitter opinion poll conducted by The Great Lakes Eye, 91 per cent people voted for President Paul Kagame. It speaks to the reality if elections in Rwanda were to be held today. The online poll lasted 48 hours and attracted 4,325 voters, while the polling tweet registered almost 52,000 views.

This is the first opinion poll conducted almost a year to Rwanda’s presidential elections which will take place in August 2024.

Related: Rwanda elections 2024: Spare Kagame and blame RPF

Although the opinion poll was open to all voters on Twitter irrespective of country of origin, it turned out that almost all the voters were Rwandans, reflecting the views of real voters. The voting was done by, most likely, the country’s youth and the elites who are on Twitter, leaving out those who have no access to smart phones.

This means that with a larger voter population, beyond the numbers that participated in the opinion poll, Kagame’s vote count is expected to be around 95 percent, or more.

The respondents who voted president Kagame cited different reasons. One Twitter user, Gasana Eric @_baraje, said: “Nzamutora kuko ariwe nkesha ubumwe bw’Abanyarwanda, Uboyobozi bwiza n’Amajyambere y’Igihugu cyacu.Nta wundi ni H.E (I will vote him [Kagame] because he is the source of the unity of Rwandans, good governance and the country’s development. There is no one other than H.E.”

Mutware Indamutsa Antoine @AntoineMutware said: “ Kuri jye nta mpamvu yo kwirirwa umbaza kuko mu bikorwa no mungiro niwe gusa #PK. (For me there is no reason to ask me because in actions and delivery he is the only one #PK). Niyuzurugero Felix from Ngororero district @ NIYURUGEROFe1 said that “to vote him is to enhance our development as Rwandans and to get better future.”

@Munyanezaeric2 wrote: “Even twitter poll with everyone alone PK has more than 90 percent without electoral campaign. Now haters don’t understand how 95 percent is obtainable in real elections? Why.

Kagame emerges as the favourite candidate for majority Rwandans not only for championing an effective development model that has put Rwanda on the world map as a great success story, but also for giving hope, fostering unity and security to a country whose past governments preached hate and caused the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. Rwandans know what their country needs. They know how far they have come. And they know what kind of future they want for their children and children’s children.

No matter what foreigners, especially the detractors, say, Rwandans are the ones who have to choose the leader they want and for how long they want that leader to stay.

Rwandans have defined their path of democracy. It does not have to be cloned from foreign models. Rwanda’s homegrown solutions have proved just so fine.
